Apple Butter Pie
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51 Reviews
November 22, 2019
Dear Mr Hirschfeld,
I am sorry to say that, though it sounds as if it would be delicious, I haven't made this pie, and I won't. Why? Because the writing and proofreading in this article would be flunked by any 6th grade teacher worth her salt! If I can't trust you to spell "knead", you can bet I'm never going to trust your baking knowledge. I counted 16 spelling and/or grammar errors, most of which my second-grader granddaughter also identified. This is thoroughly unprofessional, and that destroys your credibility as an "expert" on anything.
Repair and republish this, and you'll have something great.
I am sorry to say that, though it sounds as if it would be delicious, I haven't made this pie, and I won't. Why? Because the writing and proofreading in this article would be flunked by any 6th grade teacher worth her salt! If I can't trust you to spell "knead", you can bet I'm never going to trust your baking knowledge. I counted 16 spelling and/or grammar errors, most of which my second-grader granddaughter also identified. This is thoroughly unprofessional, and that destroys your credibility as an "expert" on anything.
Repair and republish this, and you'll have something great.
Kyle G.
November 26, 2018
This is fantastic! Made it for Thanksgiving 2018 and even non-apple pie fans loved this. I used Erin McDowell's Apple Butter recipe (which she used to coat a ginger cake) because it was very simple and had a nice tangy bite to it. BUT THE CRUST. Seriously wonderful recipe!
Nan G.
October 14, 2018
I don't know why but nobody in our household liked this pie!
Maybe they're spoiled?
Maybe they're spoiled?
October 2, 2018
Every Fall I make about a half dozen mini apple pies, and freeze them to bake later. This recipe sounds AMAZING and I’m wondering if it’s freezer-friendly. Anybody?
December 2, 2017
Tom, I made this pie for Thanksgiving, and it was a YUUUUGE hit! I made the roasted apple butter recipe: and my standard pate brisee crust, and it was all scrumptious. <3
December 22, 2013
Wow. No one has commented on this in 3 years! This was absolutely perfect. Your comments were spot on, regarding the crust to filling ratio, and I agree wholeheartedly with your assessment of mealy vs flakey. I have never found the "perfect" apple pie, much less made one. But this... this comes oh so close. Thank you!
Midnite B.
October 10, 2010
Have never heard of apple butter pie before. Will be giving it a try after I make the apple butter. Thanks for the recipe.
September 16, 2010
Hey now, I have been busy working on a plum butter and LTC I have been looking at you very nice plum butter. Here it is
September 16, 2010
you have to know that we want the plum butter recipe too right? Do NOT make me sic LizTheEnforcerChef on you!
September 16, 2010
Allright pal, we asked nicely, now it's thumb bending time. Cough up the apple butter recipe. (was that scary? :-) HOOK 'EM!!!! ps love the pie!!
September 16, 2010
Glad someone asked thirschfeld for the super-secret apple butter recipe! what's a dutch rub? is that like a noogie?
September 17, 2010
Mrs L a Dutch rub = noogie and it isn't a super secret recipe I was just being lazy. Like when I tried to copy and paste my pie crust recipe and it took twice as long to get the right result.
September 16, 2010
I have actually used the Spectrum shortening before. I really liked it. If it is the one I am thinking about, it is the one that I used that was safe for my son's dairy allergy. I have also used Earth Balance., which I like and I feel so much healthier then lard. Great recipe.
September 15, 2010
This might be blasphemy- but is there a substitution for the shortening? (even if it is the "healthier" version, I don't want to use it). Coconut oil maybe? It is a solid at room temperature- but it might impart a coconuty flavor on the crust. Any other suggestions?
September 15, 2010
I might just try doubling the butter but I would cube it cold and not grate it frozen. I don't think the crust will be as tender but the idea of a mealy dough is to coat the flour with fat so it doesn't develop gluten and to protect the crust from absorbing the filling. No worries, it isn't blashpemy, we all make choices when we cook and none of them are wrong.
September 15, 2010
You have to reduce the liquid used in making the crust when substituting butter for shortening or lard because the butter is only 80% fat (the rest is water), whereas the others are 100% fat. I don't have a precise formula, but there might be one out there if you look hard enough. I would think that the coconut oil would work. I've heard too that the coconut-y flavor isn't that pronounced when cooked, but I have never tried it. Good luck! ;o)
September 15, 2010
What AJ is saying about the butter is right but if you double the butter it would be less overall fat than originally called for and therefore the same amount of liquid would be appropriate. To be on the safe side go with 5 tablespoons of water. The other day I made this crust and it took six tablespoons of water but I have made it where it takes all 10.
September 15, 2010
Beautiful recipe!!! I will be posting this for my customers to use with my Apple Butter, can't wait to try this!
September 14, 2010
I love the way you made the apple butter into a custard. We've got loads of apple butter around here -- as well as pumpkin butter. I am thinking this will work for my Thanksgiving pumpkin pie!
September 14, 2010
thanks cheese1227. I am guessing pumpkin butter would be great, or plum or pear.
September 14, 2010
Wow! Would love to try this but I'd have to hunt down apple butter...something that sounds like fun to make! Might you have a recipe for apple butter? And what is the difference between apple butter and apple sauce?
September 14, 2010
I hope you do try it. I do make apple butter but I didn't post the recipe because I always felt people have their favorite, either home made or store bought. It is much easier to find than you think. Apple sauce is looser and not as thick and apple butter is generally heavily spiced with nutmeg and cinnamon.
September 14, 2010
I always like your pictures and recipes! This one is no exception! Great recipe :)
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