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Flourless Pistachio & Date Cake
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8 Reviews
May 14, 2024
Several people commented on need to clarify bake time. I'm having trouble with ingredients I think need clarifying. Use juice if one orange. How large an orange? What diameter? Or how many grams? Also same with the dates. I found fresh medjool dates at the store and bought those. Should I have gotten fresh or dried? Also these are huge and I could not believe 25 needed. Cake would be way to sweet. Looked up dates and saw basically 4 to 5 sizes based on length or weight. Mine appear to be large to jumbo at 6 cm long and 22 to 24 gm per date. Do what size in recipe? The plan was to bake cake tomorrow and I have looked at other "similar" recipes that use sugar to try and figure this out. Who knows how this will turn out. Should taste ok no matter what but texture could be way off. I'll check back tomorrow in the afternoon before putting in the oven to see what those of you who baked it did for size of orange( estimated amount of juice) and what size date you used as well as fresh or dried. Thanks.
Manhattan T.
March 11, 2023
Have made this several times now but never bake it in a 10" springform; it's just too big and the cake is too flat. I use a 9" and it still bakes about 40-50 min. It's a delicious cake that should be served with vanilla ice cream or unsweetened whipping cream. I'd think you could puree the batter ingredients several hours in advance then, later, whip the whites and combine & bake.
March 10, 2021
I can’t remember the bake time, but 50 minutes sounds a bit long to me. I would start checking at 35 min. Glaze - yes, while it is still warm. You may want to poke holes with a long toothpick all over the cake first so the glaze really absorbs.
May 27, 2020
I agree with the others in that a final edit to include timing is essential. That said, this is one of the most delicious and different cakes - super moist. I doubled recipe - one for a party and one for my family. Rave reviews all around with all palettes. "Killer Cake" was one comment. The glaze is a must.
Manhattan T.
March 9, 2021
How long do you bake it -- the 50 min. like her blog suggests? And do you use the glaze immediately after it comes out of the oven? I'd like to make this but her blog has disappeared and I'd like a few details before forging ahead. Thanks so much.
May 16, 2019
Intriguing recipe, but with so many typos and omissions, I'm not going to attempt it. Doesn't anyone proof-read submissions before they are published?
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