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6 Reviews
April 28, 2020
Made this the other night it was really good. I messed up and used traditional yeast instead of instant, thanks to some internet trouble shooting, we made a paste with the same amount of yeast and kneaded it into the dough. It worked great, got rid of the yeast granules from the original batch I added to the dough and surprisingly didn't taste yeasty which is what I was worried about. We did this recipe and the Prosciutto Rosemary one and they were awesome, although I would wait and add the egg later as ours was too cooked.
October 26, 2018
I'm making these right now, and am having some structural difficulties. I just peeked at them in the oven, and on every single one (I made the 4 single ones) the egg has slid up/out/off the boat and is just cooking on the baking sheet now. Between the bread baking up and the cheese it just bulged right up in the middle - and I didn't even use as much cheese as called for here as it looked like too much. I thought rolling out 1/3" thick of dough seemed thick, and guess I was right - next time I'll roll out much thinner so it can hopefully accommodate the cheese and an egg.
Sarah H.
April 24, 2017
I made the small version of these, but the egg didn't cook correctly (the yolk had more of a hard boiled consistency, and the white was like rubber cement). It the rest of it was great, though. I experimented by doing a cold proof on two, and following the recipe on two.
Elizabeth L.
January 5, 2018
Traditionally, the egg is cracked onto the finished khachapuri. The residual heat is supposed to be enough to set the white and leave the yolk properly gooey.
February 27, 2017
Thank you! So glad you included directions for both sizes. Now I can stop blowing my pocket money at the LA Farmer's market, or just eat them twice as often. Probably the latter.
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