Make Ahead
Crumbled Bacon and Hard-boiled Egg Sandwiches
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16 Reviews
Heather H.
May 28, 2011
Made this again the other night when my teen age son asked for it. It's a very special, yet simple, sandwich. So delicious.
Heather H.
May 22, 2011
My whole family loved this!!!! Yum.
May 22, 2011
Thanks! It's so good to know that the simplest ingredients are usually the best!
April 24, 2011
This great sandwich was my breakfast this Easter morning, and it was completely satisfying. I am a lunch for breakfast person anyway when I stray from my almost-daily dose of oatmeal, and this fit the bill.
Half Magic is one of my all time favorite books!
Half Magic is one of my all time favorite books!
April 24, 2011
Hoppy Easter to you! You are so sophisticated to have added capers. I put them in my BLT chicken salad. And so glad to know there are other Edward Eager readers!
April 24, 2011
That book rocked my world for years - I must have read it dozens of times in quick succession. The truth is I am the farthest thing from a sophisticate, but there are certain ingredients that I always have loved - my dad used to throw capers in everything. Right now I am on such a toasted almond kick it's ridiculous.
Fran M.
April 21, 2011
Made this for lunch today. Yum. But then again Everything is Better with Bacon. No chips I am having some avocado instead. Not the same ! You have ruined me I wont be happy with egg mush ever again.
April 21, 2011
And here you are just about to enter the serious post-Easter hard boiled egg season! Timely! So glad you liked it. I'll be whipping up a batch on Monday, I expect...
October 9, 2010
I made Another ham-fisted typo! So sorry. The book is "The Time Garden" by Edward Eager. Another must-read...
October 8, 2010
That was "fave" not "rave"- a completely different meaning owed to bad thumb typing on my iPhone!
October 7, 2010
Nice recipe. Like the quote, love the visual instruction!
October 8, 2010
Edward Eager wrote some fabulous children's books which have stood the test of time. Magical and transporting and funny as all get out. Half Magic is my rave, but I think of The Thyme Garden every time I cut some from my little lopsided plant on the kitchen windowsill. And N. M. Bodecker's illos are sublime! Quick- go to the library!
Cheryl M.
April 11, 2021
I absolutely agree about Edward Eager's books. I adore Half Magic the best, I think, because it's so hilarious. But I also love Seven Day Magic, because it's about books, and going to the Library. I haven't re-read The Thyme Garden in many years, so I think I 'll have to go to d it on my shelf! And the recipe looks to die for! Thank you!
April 11, 2021
They are fabulous gems of childhood literature. Thanks for your comment! Enjoy your re-read!
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