Rosh Hashanah

Mother's day Challah

May 15, 2017
9 Ratings
Photo by Anagha
  • Makes 2 round loaves
Author Notes

I baked this for this mother's day. I wanted to make something special that represents my Mom. We are four siblings, so I decided to make this round challah with 4 ropes topped with 4 different seeds. It shows the bond we have amongst us that is created by my Mom's love.
The round shape shows her arms around us.

I am so in live with the book 'Breaking breads; by Uri Scheft. I am planning to make many recipes as a part of the Food52 Baking club as well. —Anagha

What You'll Need
  • 400 grams room temperature water
  • 1000 grams All purpose flour sifted
  • 100 grams Granulated sugar
  • 15 grams Active powdered yeast
  • 2 Eggs
  • 5 tablespoons Oil
  • 15 grams Salt
  • 1 Egg
  • 1 tablespoon water
  • 1 pinch Salt
  1. In a stand mixer, add water and yeast, whisk it till combined.Add flour, eggs, sugar and salt
  2. Mix the dough on low speed till the ingredients are combined. Stop and sracpe the flour if needed to avoid dry flour patches. It should take about 2 mins for the dough to come together
  3. Now increase the speed and knead the dough on medium for about 4 minutes.
  4. Take the dough on a lightly floured surface and strech and fold until the dough surface it all smooth
  5. Rest the dough for about 45 mins. It should be about 70% risen
  6. Shape the dough: Shaping the dough-Today I am going to shape it in a circle with 4 ropes, representing my Mom’s four kids. Take the risen dough and gently put it on a floured board. Make it into a rectangle, make sure you do not deflate the dough Cut the rectangle into 2 pieces. Keep one piece aside. With one half of the rectangle, make four parts. Roll each part into a 14 inch cylinder Weave the four ropes as I call them into a round
  7. Cover and let it proof for at least 40 mins. To check if the dough has risen enough , when you press the dough surface with your finger, the indentation should fill up about 1/2 way. If your dough is not risen, the indentation wont fill, if its over risen, it will fill up to fast
  8. Heat the oven to 425 F
  9. Mix 1 egg, 1 tbsp water and salt to make the egg wash
  10. Decorating Now comes the fun part, decorating the challah Brush with challah with egg-wash Sprinkle with seeds of your choice.
  11. Bake at 425 F for about 25-30 mins Serve with butter & honey. I served it with a Apple -Honey Jam

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