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11 Reviews
January 25, 2024
I love this recipe and have used it for years. The only thing is that I leave out the allspice because I think it makes it taste less like bacon and more like hot dogs. It’s fabulous either way!
August 6, 2019
We love this recipe! It tastes more like bacon without the allspice, which I think, makes it taste more like hot dogs.
September 9, 2019
Thank you for sharing this with me! I loved it just as you made it! I’d like to repay it and wondered if you had a preferred brand of tea
Lk G.
May 26, 2018
SassyinClifton, or others, wondering which soy sauce brand did you use, and do you think it would matter?
June 27, 2017
Checking back in regarding "Bacon Mayo": it's a slam dunk for both the pescatarian (that's me) and the carnivore (my husband). Hubby is amazed at how much it tastes like bacon. I haven't had bacon in eons, and I love it's complex taste. I think the tea really brings a complexity that I'm not sure liquid smoke can replicate. I also have liquid smoke and use frequently in recipes that call for bacon. That's not to say you couldn't sub the tea for it, but the final product will be different.
June 22, 2017
Today I bought the Lapsang Souchong tea (Twining tea bags; 1 tea bag= apprx. 1 teaspoon tea) and grape jelly from the grocery store. Our preferred store- bought mayonnaise is Hampton Creek Just Mayo which we love and it also happens to be vegan. I mixed up a batch of the vegetarian "bacon" mayonnaise, and it's in the fridge curing. I'll give it a taste in the next few days and report back....
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