Orecchiette With Tiny Lamb Meatballs
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7 Reviews
September 14, 2022
Really delicious! Added some saffron and a pinch of harissa to the sauce to complement the meatballs. Realized when already making the recipe we were out of eggs, so I replaced it with 1/8 cup of Greek yogurt and they turned out excellent all the same!
October 17, 2021
I think as long as you spice the meat first and then crumble it everything will be fine. I tried to get my meatballs as small as possible, but probably managed mostly 1/2 inch meatballs despite my best efforts. That said, I did have meat in nearly every bite and I was very happy for it. Thank you, great recipe!
November 19, 2017
I've already made this twice in 2 weeks! I added kale for some extra greenery and I think it goes great with the dish. I also tried just frying the meat without forming it into meatballs and I thought it was almost just as good. Tiny meatballs are fun but a bit laborious and time-consuming. Definitely going to be a frequent feature at my table.
June 30, 2017
If the meatballs need to be so small that they fit in the orecchietti, I'm wondering what the difference is between making teensy tiny meatballs and just crumbling the meat, which seems like it would serve the same goal?
July 1, 2017
The first paragraph of the author's note explains. I made this tonight and used crumbled merguez from a local butcher. Any good Italian would work as well.
Another good one from Sara
A terrific dish.
Another good one from Sara
A terrific dish.
July 2, 2017
does sound good and i'll try it, 'cause i like Orecchiette ... but the first paragraph of the author's notes doesn't explain why crumbled meat wouldn't work, and i'm not sure how one makes 1/4 inch meatballs ... but i'll get them as small as i can!
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