Make Ahead


July  3, 2017
0 Ratings
Photo by Helene Picon
  • Serves 6
Author Notes

Christian grew up in England and ate a fair share and I was very happy to try it! It is similar to the French pain d’epices ''gingerbread'', which is a favourite Christmas treat. These puddings are quick and easy to make, very sticky and utterly delicious! —Helene Picon

What You'll Need
  • 250 grams dates
  • 250 milliliters water
  • 1 teaspoon baking soda
  • 100 grams butter
  • 80 grams brown sugar
  • 190 grams cake flour
  1. Leave all you ingredients out for an hour or so before making, as this brings everything to the same ambient temperature. Preheat oven to 180°C Grease six muffin tins generously with butter
  2. Start by weighing all your ingredients in separate bowls, so if you make any mistakes you can correct them easily
  3. Pour the boiling water over your dates and bicarbonate of soda. Leave to re hydrate and soften for 10 minutes
  4. Add your eggs one at a time, incorporating fully before adding the next, add your date mixture and mix well
  5. Now sift your flour into mix while mixing gently with a whisk, don’t over mix as this will make your pudding tough, when you’ve incorporated all your flour divide between your six tins, give the tin a few taps again the work surface to release any hidden air bubbles and bake for 25-30 minutes, your cake will have risen, it should still be a little soft in the middle and the surface will spring back when gently pressed
  6. When your cakes have finished, leave them to rest for 2 minutes before taking them out of the tin
  7. We like to pour half the sauce over the puddings so they can absorb the sauce but also it gives it a beautiful glaze

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2 Reviews

Matea May 27, 2020
How many eggs
Regine July 6, 2017
Recipe looks interesting but is missing a few things. Amount of boiling water and flour; and you missed the sugar and butter in the instructions.