
Avocado and Chia Buckwheat Waffles

November  6, 2017
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Photo by MyNutriCounter
  • Serves 6-8
Author Notes

How often do you hear about gluten intolerance and why we didn’t hear the same from our grandparents? The reason is that the modern wheat breeds contain very high levels of gluten which leads to celiac disease. So today let’s try these flavourful gluten-free buckwheat waffles. It’s interesting to know that even though buckwheat doesn’t belong in the cereal family, it contains almost as much carbs and energy as wheat. This is why it was widely used as a valuable source of carbs for several thousands of years until the beginning of 20th century when there was a general shift towards conventional cereals like wheat and corn. Buckwheat flour is also used for making noodles in China and Japan, pancakes and biscuits in Europe and North America, porridge and soup in Russia and Poland, and unleavened chapattis in India. Naturally buckwheat is gluten-free, easy to digest and contains rutin, a compound that prevents blood from clotting. It is also rich in magnesium, manganese, zinc and B-vitamins and contains as many calories as wheat. Additionally omega-3 fatty acids from the chia seeds promote low blood pressure and brain health. And of course don’t forget about the generous serving of tasty avocado which is a potent source of heart-healthy potassium and monounsaturated fatty acids (MUFAs).
The recipe can be found here -
Nikki Brown

  • 120 grams buckwheat flour
  • 25 grams chia seeds
  • 375 milliliters soy milk
  • 80 grams avocado
  • 1/4 teaspoon salt
  • 1 teaspoon baking powder
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla extract
  1. Combine all ingredients in a blender.
  2. Process until smooth.
  3. Let stand for at least 2 minutes, then blend again.
  4. Cook for 10-12 minutes in a waffle iron.

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