
Golden Turmeric Yogurt

February 15, 2018
0 Ratings
Photo by recordsintheden
  • Serves 3
Author Notes

Bright winter yogurt+tahini spread —Sharon Brenner

What You'll Need
  • 3/4 cup thick plain Greek/Greek-style yogurt, low-fat or whole milk
  • 1/3 cup tahini
  • 1 teaspoon turmeric
  • 2 teaspoons roughly chopped preserved lemon
  • olive oil
  • flaky sea salt
  • pepper, to season
  • smoked chili flakes for garnish
  • 2-3 slices sprouted rye bread
  • optional: hazelnuts
  1. *If you can't find smoked chili flakes you can substitute with a small mix of chili flakes and smoked paprika.
  2. In a bowl combine the yogurt, tahini, turmeric, preserved lemons, and light dash of pepper. Let rest for 3 minutes.
  3. Slice the rye bread and top with the yogurt-tahini mixture. Top with smoked chili flakes, a tiny bit of sea salt, hazelnuts if using, and a dash of olive oil.

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