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Balzano Apple Cake
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12 Reviews
January 23, 2024
This is delicious! Definitely goes into the regular rotation. My apples were large so I only used 3. What weight/volume would be a good measurement for the amount of apples? Could this be doubled and cooked in a 9" x 13" pan? Thanks for a great recipe!
November 25, 2023
Loved ease of throwing together. My first try browned too fast at 375° (temp in Alexandra’s website recipe), so tented with foil and, perhaps therefore, found cake a bit soggy when cooled. Flavor was great though. Considering touch of Cognac or Calvados for take two.
holly D.
December 3, 2015
This dessert is so subtle, comforting, not cloying at all. The chewy top and edges, the creamy custardy center- it is just perfect. I love it! It is so easy to throw together, too, but it is a tad sensitive. I recommended it to my mom, whose oven just isn't great, and the texture was not quite right when she made it. I wonder if the temperature is off. That little difference made it just a good dessert- when it is typically amazing! I think if you preheat your oven fully, make sure you have the right temperature, and aren't afraid of a wet center in a cake then this will turn out beautifully for you like it did for me - twice.
Alexandra S.
December 3, 2015
Holly, these are great tips. Thank you! Isn't it crazy how ovens behave so differently?
Nicole L.
November 26, 2015
This is one of my favorite desserts. It tastes like GOOD bread pudding made with apple instead of bread. The apples on top get a bit dehydrated and crispy, and it's all creamy and custard-y below.
Alexandra S.
November 26, 2015
So happy to hear this! This is one of my all-time favorite desserts. Love your description.
October 31, 2012
Wonderful cake. I have made it numerous time. The last time I made it, I added a 1/4 cup of walnut powder (my friend brought it back for me from Hungary) and correspondingly augmented the amount of liquid (I added apple cider). I've also been serving this cake (traditional way or not) with a bourbon-flavored whipped cream. People love it!
Alexandra S.
October 31, 2012
Gargamel — so happy to hear this! I am so intrigued by walnut powder. Is it like almond flour but with walnuts? I bet it adds a wonderful flavor. Love the idea of the bourbon whipped cream.
October 31, 2012
It is, like almond meal but with walnuts. It's used a lot in Hungarian baking but I've seen it here. It'd probably cost a fortune! But it does add a really nice touch and it still keeps the cake really moist.
August 22, 2011
Love this! Reminds me of the simple apple cake my host mother in Florence made throughout the fall, when I was living there. On my "must make soon" list, especially now that good baking apples are available locally. ;o)
November 8, 2010
Sounds yummy! I like your time-saving apple cutting technique. I like the name too - it means "odd" in Italian. I wonder why it got that name?
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