Tangy Tres Leches Cake
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16 Reviews
September 13, 2021
The only thing I changed was to add a pinch of nutmeg to the whipped cream. I sprinkled freshly ground cinnamon on top also. This cake was TRULY perfect. I've never been a big fan of tres leches, but a beloved friend requested one for his 21st Birthday. No one commented that it was tangy or sour. I didn't want it to come off as anything other than a perfect representation of the classic, but I really wanted that buttermilk tang to cut the sweetened condensed milk factor so I went for it and everyone, including myself, ABSOLUTELY LOVED THIS CAKE. The texture of the cake soaked in the milk was perfect, the egg-heavy cake really stood up to the challenge. Thanks for helping me advance my Culinary Genius reputation Erin Jeanne!
March 31, 2018
I grew up in an isolated mining village in Durango. We never had fresh milk - so our tres leche pastel was always made with canned milk. The milks varied based on what was available in the little tienda - so we always had sweetened condensed milk and evaporated milk. The third milk was up in the air. Sometimes we used goats milk, which I can tell from the conversation so far would be considered heresy as it would be somewhat like buttermilk, sometimes we used coconut milk, and sometimes we used cajeta (sweetened condensed milk boiled in the can to caramelized perfection - although now days you can buy it pre-made). The one milk we never had was whipping cream. The only possibility for that was a kind of dry powdered Dream Whip type product that my mother really didn't like.
But you know what? We loved that cake. It was all good. When what you eat is what is based on what is available in the company store, you do what you can.
But you know what? We loved that cake. It was all good. When what you eat is what is based on what is available in the company store, you do what you can.
March 31, 2018
This is a delicious recipe built on a Latin American classic. The three milks cake made with buttermilk makes the dessert taste a bit less rich, which means I can take a bigger piece! Thanks for the spin on a traditional treat! I'll be making this again - even for my Mexican boyfriend who thought it was awesome. Traditional recipes are always fun and carry a lot of meaning for families - hence "traditional." Tweaking those classics is also fun and truly refreshing - the most renowned chefs and bakers do this in their kitchens.
March 29, 2018
This is not a Tres Leche cake by any defination. Please think of a new name for it. And although it may be very good, you have insulted the many peoiple who LOVE Tres Leche and bake it at home frequently.
Erin J.
March 29, 2018
Sorry you feel that way! I tested lots of traditional recipes and also love those! I wanted to present my own take, and am certainly a huge fan of classic tres leches as well! If you have a recipe you love, I encourage you to post it to the site - I’m sure the community (myself included!) would love to try and taste it!
Mackenzie S.
March 29, 2018
"By any definition"? "A tres leches cake (Spanish: pastel de tres leches or torta de tres leches), also known as pan tres leches ("three milks bread"), is a sponge cake—in some recipes, a butter cake—soaked in three kinds of milk: evaporated milk, condensed milk, and heavy cream." So the heavy cream is being replaced with another dairy product. It's still using three "milks". What definition are you using?
Lhos Y.
March 30, 2018
Why? Folks are aloud to re-work a traditional recipe. My mom who bakes a lot, loves tres leches had to rework the recipe, because the ‘tradiotnal’ recipe my cousin had gave her well we didn’t have that one milk in the states, I can’t remember what it was to be honest, but it wasn’t something common (and we live in NY). Well so she reworked it so it worked for her, not to mention how sweet this darn cake can be traditionally (we like not having diabetes) so my mother had cut the amount of sweet. Also my cousin always preferred my mother’s cake recipe vs the recipe from the ‘traditional’ recipe (again less sweet and more spongy). Why does it have to be such rules to everything. As a Latina I am not offended at all. In fact I am going to veganize this recipe since I don’t eat dairy and eggs (I hope that doesn’t offend you 😐). Best✌🏼
Lola L.
March 30, 2018
That should be “allowed”— another reason why you shouldn’t be messing with a perfect recipe!
June 19, 2021
All foods are “messed with” my husband is Mexican and a chef in Australia and I can assure you, his messing is mighty popular. We also call it evolving
March 28, 2018
Sorry, not even close to the real genuine Tres Leches...this recipe is like any other one, just adding the buttermilk doesn't make any difference....
Mackenzie S.
March 29, 2018
Why would you think that a recipe that is open with the fact that a major ingredient is being substituted is trying to be "genuine"? And are you saying that a cake soaked in buttermilk is going to taste the same as one soaked in milk. Have you tasted real buttermilk before?
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