Ginger Poached Pears with Honeyed Vanilla Custard
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21 Reviews
December 15, 2020
I absolutely love pie, but this sounds stupid good. I love everything about it, and well I can bathe in any form of custard. Many moons ago, I made your pumpkin caramels posted here on the site. Swoon!!! Can't wait to make this. Salivating as I type.
March 15, 2013
This was delicious! I forgot the half and half and so had to make due with what was in the fridge. We added honey and vanilla bean to Greek yogurt. The tartness from the yogurt was a really nice complement. The custard sounded amazing but I liked this less sweet version.
jane M.
September 10, 2011
This is so elegant yet simple and the ingredient combo has me salivating!
Beautiful post.
Beautiful post.
September 9, 2011
This looks just wonderful. I have never liked pies--something about the crust and its ingredients ...can't wait to make this! Thanks.
November 12, 2010
Nice recipe. Won't be able to join your club, though, as to me, pie is the perfect food, for breakfast, lunch or dinner. So I'll eat all of the pie that you guys won't!
November 9, 2010
Oh, this looks so nice! Make some tuiles on the side, and you've got deconstructed pie, so as to keep the peace at the Thanksgiving dessert table.
November 9, 2010
What a great idea!! Maybe a lemon one, to help bring out the citrus notes in the ginger beer. I don't think I'll have time to test a recipe for those out before the contest deadline, but there is certainly time before T-day.
November 9, 2010
I will be bringing a cherry pie to my Mom's the weekend before Tday for the big Burns gathering as it's my Dad's favorite. I checked out my jars of cherries and they seem to be thicker in consistency on the top than on the bottom. Are your's like that? I'll havae to ask Cathy if that is normal.
November 9, 2010
Both of my jars look the same - pretty thick"block " or cylinder, I guess, of the cherries surrounded by some of the syrup.
November 9, 2010
I'm actually thinking of doing some kind of a cherry cheescake instead of a pie with those beautiful cherries from the canorama. I don't do Thanksgiving day, but a large buffet the next evening so I get more leeway!
November 9, 2010
I've got people all around me admitting that pie is not a favorite. And all these years, I thought I was alone!!
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