5 Ingredients or Fewer
Tamagoyaki-Inspired Scrambled Eggs
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39 Reviews
August 15, 2024
I was really stuck for a very late lunch today. I looked up Japanese style eggs on Pinterest and came to this. Goodness me, some of the most delicious eggs, I’ve had in awhile! I did a few substitutions like maple syrup instead of sugar and reduced it a little bit. I used jar puree ginger and roasted garlic purée because I’m not a well person. These save my hands, so less prep work and cleaning! My pan was probably a little bit too hot when I put them in and I think it could’ve cooked a bit slower, but I was really hungry. I served mine with some smoke salmon, plus Asian Inspired cucumbers (Rice, wine vinegar, soy sauce, maple syrup, salt, pepper sesame oil & sesame seeds). I topped my eggs with some chopped spring onions, crispy fried onions (Waitrose ones if anyone’ reading from the UK), a little bit of Sriracha & Nori sprinkles. Lush. I shall be doing this again. Hang on
August 15, 2024
Oops that “hang on” was from replying to my daughter because dictate was still on. If anyone uses Voice to text these are the perils!
February 13, 2024
Hunh. I made something similar. The runny French scrambled eggs over rice but added a little rice vinegar, so almost sushi rice. Added some fish like salmon or trout, soy sauce drizzled on top with some herbs. Almost like Marco Pierre White's smoked salmon scrambled eggs on toast but with rice instead.
August 13, 2021
My go-to quick lunch! I usually scale it down to 2 eggs and double the garlic cloves. But top it off with some furikake and its so delicious!
March 22, 2021
What does ‘Unoccasionally’ mean? Not sure if that means often or not often(re: how to stir the eggs) Halpppp 🤪
Susan J.
April 20, 2020
I miss my mom's Korean eggs, which is like a souffle. But I don't think I can have eggs any other way now! These were so soft and tasty over my fresh hot rice. Had a mug of English breakfast tea. My tummy is happy. I was mm-ing and ah-ing through my entire meal.
Jennifer U.
September 9, 2019
These eggs kept me going this past week. I had an oral surgery with strict orders for soft foods only and these eggs had great flavor without feeling like I was on a medical diet! I'll be making these even after I feel better!
May 26, 2019
lovely texture- added a tiny dash of white vinegar to the eggs too... not sure how kosher that is but yum!
March 28, 2019
Eric - As a previous comment notes, tamago means egg. You are softly (like a good French omelette) hurting my Japanese heart by calling them egg-eggs. Could we compromise and call them "tamagoyaki-esque" eggs? The "esque" brings in the French as a nod to their style of omelette too. Just saying. :)
And yes, many a times I have eaten this incarnation of tamagoyaki. It's what happens when I screw up the rolling process or get too impatient between egg pours. I stand silently in that special kind of Japanese shame in my kitchen. haha
Anyway - hope this doesn't come across as negative. I feel nothing but love for your very relate-able recipe posts.
And yes, many a times I have eaten this incarnation of tamagoyaki. It's what happens when I screw up the rolling process or get too impatient between egg pours. I stand silently in that special kind of Japanese shame in my kitchen. haha
Anyway - hope this doesn't come across as negative. I feel nothing but love for your very relate-able recipe posts.
Carol V.
January 12, 2019
Quick, easy, inexpensive, and so much flavor! Will definitely be adding this to my repertoire. Thanks!
January 9, 2019
Interesting. Having grown up on tamagoyaki (and enjoyed in stick form at tsukiji RIP), I think I prefer it in the rolled form, rather than scrambled.
alex M.
November 28, 2018
Every bit as good as promised. Definitely take the time to make rice for it!
November 25, 2018
It’s pure comfort food for me! It reminds me of the breakfasts that I had as a little girl.
Manuel M.
October 6, 2018
I really don't understand cooking times. This recipe says it will take 2-3 minutes to cook the eggs starting from a cold pan?? No...
Austin B.
August 14, 2018
Nice, simple and tasty. Forgot to put my gnudi in the fridge to thaw, so I ended up throwing this together on the fly. No complaints.
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