An Old-Fashioned Apple Spice Cake
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16 Reviews
November 6, 2022
I’m disappointed that my meringue didn’t turn out crackly, but instead more of a spongy meringue like in a lemon meringue pie. I think there is a key omission in the recipe. After whipping the meringue, it says to “set aside.” I set the whole double boiler aside, and I believe the meringue continued to cook while I made the cake. It should either be taken off or out of the hot pot, or made after assembling the cake. This was by no means easy either, plus I felt like I used every pot and bowl in my kitchen. The cake itself was good but for all the work, I’m afraid to try again for a crackly meringue.
Little P.
October 22, 2019
Is this.a Swiss meringue? Whip to soft, medium, or stiff peaks? Recipe doesn't indicate.
November 6, 2022
Little P. -seeing this 3 years later, it seems you’ve been abandoned by the editors. I wonder if you tried it and what your experience was. You can see my comments above, but for what it’s worth, I whipped the meringue to a medium peak. I think the failure of my meringue was due more to leaving it in the hot pot after whipping, as opposed to how much I whipped it.
January 31, 2014
This cake is beautiful and I might think the most absolutely delicious I have ever made! it is a sweet cake and easy! My Mother (Hungarian) made a version of this 45 years ago also! in NYC! Food 52 suggests using light brown sugar. I used 3/4 cup light brown and 1/4 dark brown for the cake part. For the meringue part I used only 1 cup consisting of 3/4 light brown and 1/4 dark. using 1 1/2 cups makes it super sweet. I put the meringue ingredients into my stainless steel mixer bowl (Kitchen Aid Mixer) then put that right over some water simmering in a saucepan…I took a hand whisk and whisked for a couple of minutes till the mix felt warm then popped the bowl into the standing mixer with the balloon beater attachment and put it on high…I got the most stunning meringue in minutes! standing over the stove with a hand mixer is insane! and waiting for an accident. my way is safe fast and efficient.
Little P.
October 22, 2019
looks like you made a gorgeous Swiss meringue. The recipe didn't indicate whether to whip to soft, medium, or stiff peaks. Any suggestions?
Tokyo Y.
February 6, 2012
I have done this twice in two weeks, it is that good. But the second time, I replaced the apples with 3 very ripe bananas. Perfection!!!!
January 14, 2012
I loved the story of this cake, and I wanted to like it, but I knew I should have turned back once I saw
How much sugar went intonit. If you dont like super-sweet things, this one is not for you.
How much sugar went intonit. If you dont like super-sweet things, this one is not for you.
January 8, 2012
This is a wonderful recipe and I am so glad I found it. I do not have a 9x9 pan so I used a round 9" spring form pan . It is fairly deep and good thing because the cake rose considerably.It took considerably longer than 45 minutes to cook but what a beauty and fabulous flavor.
Drew L.
November 16, 2011
First and foremost, DELICIOUS!!! This cake was divine! Now... the meringue, while very tasty, decided to expand significantly. Well beyond what I expected from the photo. Any suggestions on how to reduce the puffing of meringue? I'm thinking that I didn't beat the egg whites enough, or perhaps the heat was too low. Any ideas if that would impact it's growth in the oven? Thanks!
October 30, 2010
I have been eyeing this recipe for a long time - yesterday I finally made it and it is SO GOOD! The meringue is a lot of fun to make, and the cake is just gorgeous ... it may make a Thanksgiving appearance too!
October 5, 2009
This cake is absolutely wonderful. It is easy to make and delicious both warm and the next day. I used Garnny Smith and they were perfect for this.
October 5, 2009
The meringue topping reminds me of one of my favorite apple cakes: Torta di Mele in Lynne Rossetto Kasper's "The Italian Country Table." I love the way the top crackles and splinters when you cut into it.
October 3, 2009
Such a creative recipe! I love the brown sugar meringue layer on top.
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