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Chocolate Fantasy Brownie Bites
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61 Reviews
May 19, 2020
Can extra butter be used in baking brownies , without doubling the recipe?
May 20, 2020
I’m so sorry, I meant to ask about the amount of cocoa powder, not butter.. Can i double the amount of cocoa powder since I do t have unsweetened chocolate? What’s the difference between the two?
May 20, 2020
Unsweetened chocolate is cocoa solids and cocoa butter. Adding more butter as well as more cocoa powder might give you the same effect, but I’ve never tried it, and I don’t know what proportions to tell you to use. You would also have to change the flour amount. A better solution might be to make a brownie recipe that just uses cocoa powder like this one: It’s delicious and quite easy. Hope this helps.
September 19, 2015
I have made these several times. Once was for my youngest nephew's high school graduation, and once for our psychology department's dean's list reception. My one change was to frost them with a bit of Nutella. In both cases, these disappeared quickly. Even my colleague, who often declines baked goods, was quick to say "yes" to my offer to let him take the remaining brownie bites.
September 4, 2015
I measure my flour what is your 1 cup measurement? The difference can make or break a recipe & it can be anywhere between 4 or 5 ounces. Perhaps you sweep and scoop? If you would be so kind as to let me know - I really want to try this recipe. Thanks so much!!!!
September 4, 2015
Leslie, I agree. I loosen up the flour in the container, scoop and sweep. I think weights are better, but I wrote this recipe a long time ago.
Annette K.
July 1, 2015
I have, probably a dumb, question. As I read through instructions, I don't see where there is a cooling off period between melting the chocolate and butter and then adding sugars and eggs. I take it, its not necessary to wait for a cool down? I also saw no mention of the same question and no one mentioning it. I don't know if that means that it's understood the chocolate and butter and sugars will be warm, and it's not a problem, or that it's understood in cooks world, that you cool down the butter and chocolate before adding the eggs. Thank you.
July 1, 2015
Annette, it's not a dumb question... It's dumb recipe writing. There is a bit of a cooling off period or the hot butter and chocolate will cook the eggs. I think that's probably why I have you put together the dry ingredients after everything has melted. I'll edit it for clarity. Thanks for the feedback. I hope you enjoy them.
Annette K.
July 1, 2015
Thank you for such a quick reply. That makes sense that it will while mixing the dry ingredients. I can't wait to try them. :)
July 1, 2015
I hope you like them. It helps to let the eggs come to room temperature before you add them, too, but it's not absolutely necessary.
August 29, 2013
Can these be made 1 to 2 days in advance? If so, what's the best way to store them until service?
August 29, 2013
Yes, they're just like brownies. They freeze well, or you can store them in an airtight container. I hope you enjoy them!
September 30, 2012
These were amazing! I added crushed up chocolate covered espresso beans to my batter and they were a big hit.
August 3, 2012
These are in the oven now. No mini muffin tin so I'm using a standard, half filled. I only had 90% and 85% chocolate so I mixed those, and I added a splash of Patron Tequila Coffee Liqueur in place of the powdered espresso. Going to be good! Thanks
July 5, 2012
I had a question that I posted to the Hotline related to the adaptation of this recipe to use for cookies. Many knowledgeable people chimed in, and I posted a detailed report of the results of my further playing with the conversion. Here's a link, for anyone who is interested. ;o)
July 5, 2012
Sounds like you came up with a great solution! Thanks so much for posting the feedback.
Megan G.
May 19, 2012
I made these last night with gluten free flour and they are just perfect. I used Ahern's GF mix, which is (as far as I know) not a brand, but a recipe (you can google it to find combination of ingredients), and my favorite to date. The GF flour might have made them a bit harder, but not much. They are very chewy 14 hours later!
May 19, 2012
Hi Megan. Thanks so much for commenting. I'm glad that a gluten free version worked well.
April 30, 2012
Another outstanding recipe, drbabs! I had a bit of extra dough, which I scooped directly onto a parchment lined biking sheet, then baked as cookies. They turned out really well. Definitely a keeper. ;o)
April 30, 2012
Thanks; only a couple didn't release right away, most likely because I didn't butter those spots thoroughly . I plan to get a non-stick pan before making these again, to speed up the clean-up I was pleased though at how well this batter worked to make ciookies. There is something magical about biting into what looks like a cookie, but has the texture and unmistakable flavor of a dark chocolate brownie, ; o)
Dr. S.
February 25, 2012
Mmmmmmmm... LOVED these! I especially enjoyed cleaning out my cupboards to create my chocolate fantasies. Fantasy #1: Creme de menthe and Andes mint pieces; Fantasy #2: Reese's peanut butter chips and fleur de sel; Fantasy #3: Mini chocolate chips and an ancho chili-cinnamon spice mix (from a recipe for chocolate bark, also on this site). All were fantastic. Thanks for the recipe!
February 15, 2012
These are amazing! Didn't have espresso powder so I added one shot of espresso when melting the chocolate. I needed to cook them about 5 minutes longer. I mustn't have buttered the pan well enough because they stuck a bit. Next time I'd go for the mini muffin liners and remove them before serving. My friends said they had thought about skipping the brownie bite because, after all, they were just brownie bites. With once the first bite, and ensuing "OMG's" were heard round the room, the plate was quickly emptied. Thanks for sharing!
February 16, 2012
Thanks for letting me know. And you know what you said about your friends skipping the brownie bites? that's exactly why I created this recipe. I had been to one too many parties where someone brought brownie bites from Costco and I thought, there has to be a better way. I'm so glad you and your friends enjoyed them.
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