Make Ahead

White Liver Pate (Foie gras Pâté )

August 14, 2019
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Photo by nana.maki
  • Prep time 15 hours
  • Cook time 30 hours
  • Makes 2 Jam Jars
Author Notes

An creamy exquisite Pâté made from white liver, male chicken liver. Texture resembles foie gras. —nana.maki

What You'll Need
  • 200 grams White Liver (chicken)
  • 1 Onions (Chopped)
  • 5 Garlic
  • 1 tablespoon Capers
  • 1 Anchovy Fillet
  • 1 tablespoon Brandy
  • 50% Unsalted Butter
  • Salt and Pepper
  1. Underline the pot with chopped onions, sliced garlic and white liver.
  2. Add all the ingredients except for the butter and salt and pepper.
  3. Braise over medium to low heat until the it is nice and soft, taking precautions not to let it burn.
  4. Once the liver and onions are nice and soft, using a hand mixer, mix until the liver becomes a nice smooth puree.
  5. Add the butter and salt and pepper (to adjust the taste to your liking) and let is simmer for few minutes.
  6. Pour the pate into a preserving dish. Keep it refrigerated.

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