Potato Salad With Celery & Hard-Boiled Eggs
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4 Reviews
June 8, 2021
For me, delicious. We all grow up with slightly different potato salad, and some of us don't grow up with it or have a prepared one we are trying to hack. I don't like to chomp raw onions so the onion powder was great for me. I used sweet pickles which I prefer. Next time - heresy - I will rice the potatoes after the lemon and salt. And I think I will be very happy. The flavor was what I was looking for - and I cut the recipe in half and made a truly weeknight potato salad.
June 6, 2020
Why on Earth would you use onion powder rather than onions? Aside from that, what you've made here is essentially Southern potato salad.
Josh C.
June 6, 2020
Raw onions can have a sharp taste - some folks enjoy raw onions (and in certain contexts I LOVE raw onions), but we decided to use onion powder in this recipe because it's mild and faintly sweet. It's this is all subjective, but that's the thought process behind the decision.
March 25, 2020
Controversial to include celery but not onion? Growing up, that's the only way my mother ever made it, and to my mind, it's the best (and therefore, my go-to). I like the idea of lemon, not vinegar, but I prefer a quick aioli over mayo, any day. My latest aioli of choice is made with the savory oil left from marinated grilled artichokes in jars (one of Trader Joe's best grocery items - also available at Sprouts and WFM, at least at the stores in Boulder County). There's a touch of acidity in that marinade as well, making the aioli even tastier. ;o)
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