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Tuna Salad
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14 Reviews
Marje E.
May 17, 2020
Sounds delish. I also almost always add fresh chopped dill to tuna and salmon or any fish dishes. Try it, hope you'll also love it. :)
May 13, 2020
Where dose one get FISH SAUCE?
May 15, 2020
Since popularized by another food blogger a few years ago, it's been carried by supermarkets, even Whole Foods sells Red Boat brand.
May 15, 2020
Depending on where you live, it is pretty common (Whole Foods, Trader Joes). Many Asian food aisles/sections in mainstream grocery stores carry it and you won't have to go to a specialty shop.
Clare C.
May 16, 2020
I use it a lot. I’m a big umami fan. It’s great on scrambled eggs if you run out of miso paste, and I also have a splash with my V-8 juice in the morning. I also will substitute all or part of the soy sauce in recipes because the fish sauce has more flavor (soy sauce just tastes like liquid salt to me). Supermarkets do carry it now, but in small bottles that are very expensive. You can typically get a bigger bottle at a lower price at your local Asian supermarket (I live in the food desert of the Capital District of Upstate New York and we have a really good Asian supermarket about fifteen miles away, and if we have one here, you probably have one nearby, too — just google it.) Also, amazon probably carries it. It will probably be more expensive than the Asian supermarket, but cheaper than the supermarket, especially if you have amazon prime and free shipping.
July 5, 2020
You also can get fish sauce in more common grocery stores. We live in a quite small city/large town with two supermarkets (Hannaford & Price Chopper); both stores carry a couple makes of fish sauce.
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