5 Ingredients or Fewer
Vanilla Sugar-Coated Peanuts
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10 Reviews
February 15, 2021
I just made these with almonds because I didn’t have peanuts on hand but couldn’t wait to try out this recipe. They came out perfectly even though I didn’t stir quickly enough. Now I can’t wait to actually make them with peanuts.
February 15, 2021
I'll bet the almonds were delicious! They lend themselves perfectly to so many things!
Murielle B.
February 17, 2021
Ouhh, I love the idea of making these with almonds! I am glad you enjoyed it M :)
February 15, 2021
I made these with almonds because I had no peanuts on hand but couldn’t wait to try this recipe out! It turned out perfectly even though I didn’t quite stir quickly enough.
Tom J.
February 14, 2021
My mom had a similar recipe that we make pounds of around the holidays. But ours are roasted after being coated in sugar. Proportions: 2 c raw peanuts, 1 c sugar, 1/4 c water. Cook together until the water is absorbed and sugar begins to crystallize. Quickly put on a cookie sheet and bake at 300* for 30 min, stirring after 15 min. Red food coloring can be added when cooking to give the reddish color.
Looking forward to trying with chili powder as you suggested.
Looking forward to trying with chili powder as you suggested.
Murielle B.
February 15, 2021
That sounds awesome Tom! I should try your version as well. Let me know how you find the variation with chili powder! :)
February 1, 2021
Hi! I, too, remember these delicious, crunchy peanuts and you're right - those red, overglazed things are in no way comparable! My Mother once tried to make some at home; but in her usual "couldn't cook to save her soul" manner, she nearly burnt the house down!! The burnt sugar odor clung to the kitchen for months!
Murielle B.
February 1, 2021
Hi Kathy!
I am glad to read that we are both fans of the super crunchy and textured ones! Oh no!! Thankfully you were ok (apart from the smell of course). These definitely need some close watching, but as long as you keep the heat to medium, you keep stirring and don't do too much multitasking, you should be ok. Let me know if you try this recipe :)
I am glad to read that we are both fans of the super crunchy and textured ones! Oh no!! Thankfully you were ok (apart from the smell of course). These definitely need some close watching, but as long as you keep the heat to medium, you keep stirring and don't do too much multitasking, you should be ok. Let me know if you try this recipe :)
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