Madeira Cake
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8 Reviews
September 6, 2024
Such an interesting cake…the batter had an interesting texture that told me it would be a dry cake. I did not have an 9” springform so I used a 10” which added to the crumb. It tasted delish… and I ran out to purchase a 9” as I beiieve it will enhance the moisture value…definitely bake this one!
May 16, 2023
Nice balanced flavor, lovely to look at, but dry as dust. Served with macerated strawberries, blueberries and sweetened whipped cream. A dousing of grand mariner helped the second time around. Also works well with lemon curd along with whipped cream. Would not make this again though I will search for a better recipe.
November 17, 2021
Yes, it is dry and it is delish. Made it GF for a birthday party and it was a huge hit. Add a some macerated strawberries or peaches, a little whipped cream or creme fraiche, and it is perfect. Just the right amount of sweet. Would make a perfect cake substitute for fruit shortcake, too!
September 9, 2021
A few of the reviews say the cake is quite dry. I guess that’s true, but I actually enjoyed it that way. It’s meant to be had with tea or wine, as the description states, so the dryness didn’t bother me since I had it with a glass of sweet ice tea on a summer morning. I used grapefruit as my fruit and it turned out good. I would recommend squeezing a little extra juice and mixing with confectioner’s sugar to make a drizzle for the cake, like I did. That’s probably why it seemed dry to so many. Lastly, this recipe will fill two loaf pans, which was super handy because I had two neighbors that I needed to thank for a favor. So this cake is an official staple for me as I’ll use it to whip up for friends and neighbors. The loaf version is traditional and much more suitable for this style of cake. Anyway, loved it. I’ll be making it again.
March 21, 2021
As I always do when using a recipe for the first time, I followed the recipe to the letter. Alas, the cake was quite dry, having an almost sandy, crumbly texture. The Maldon salt sprinkled on the top was inspired, however, and something I will use on other baking projects. Meanwhile, this requires a large dose of whipped cream, ice cream or sorbet. Mark me disappointed.
March 4, 2021
Great recipe. I made a GF version using Bob’s 1-to-1 in place of AP. Bob’s is heavier than AP due to the mix of various types of flour used, so make sure to use weight measurements rather than volume to avoid the “add more of this-to make up for that” game. To ensure accurate GF conversion ensure you have the thick buttercream consistency recommended. Cooked for 50mins at 325*. Cooled and flipped. Center dropped a bit and interior not as fluffy as non-GF. Result was a drier appearance and crumbly to the touch but ate moist-ish and wasn’t a mouthful of dryness. Sugar crust on top was delightful. Pinch of Maldon and a side of coffee and SCHWING. Now you snack after breakfast.
February 28, 2021
Sounds good and I will try it, surprised there's no Madeira wine in the cake, there must be a way to sneak it in? Thanks for the recipe!
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