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Slightly Smoky Mixed-Bean Chili
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52 Reviews
September 26, 2020
This is a new family favorite. Kid and grown ups all loved it. We are looking for more veg recipes and this was satisfying. My daughter loved it. My husband felt sated and we all look forward to making it again.
September 26, 2020
Hi Miruna: I'm so glad to hear your family liked my recipe. Thank you for trying!
November 2, 2017
Are you able to adapt this recipe to an Instant Pot?
November 2, 2017
Hi Kathleen. I'm the originator of this recipe. Although I personaly don't have an instapot, I think you could adapt it per the manufacturer's directions. I have used a pressure cooker for the preliminary cooking of beans. If the instruction manual tells you how to cook beans in your instapot then by all means. Once they are pre-cooked in water as in the first part of the recipe, you can add the seasonings per part 2.
October 29, 2017
This recipe is absolutely phenomenal. I made it for dinner tonight, and oh my, I don't think there is any other chili recipe that will ever be able to top this. I do have to admit that I added 1 1/2 tsp of cocoa powder, but other than that, I followed the instructions religiously. What a gem of a recipe.
October 29, 2017
Thank you so much for your comments, Claudia! Cocoa powder is a fine addition! Thanks for trying.
Jennifer N.
April 17, 2017
Just a warning not to use Indian chili powder. Yogurt will be a welcoming cooling agent and I love spice! Thanks for a great recipe. I used adzuki, black and black eyed. Added a bit of kale to use up and butternut sqaush. Yum!
February 7, 2014
I have been making vegetarian style chili for years now and this one is my absolute favorite!! I could eat it for every meal!! The only change I made was using chipotle peppers in adobo sauce (chopped) instead of the chipotle chili powder since I did not have it. CONGRATS & THANKS!!!!!! ;)
February 26, 2014
Thank you so much, Laurenzim! I too sometimes use canned chipotles in adobo. Appreciate your pointing out that possibility.
Fiona D.
January 30, 2014
Do you drain the beans from their cooking liquor after boiling and before adding the onion/ tomato mixture? Thank you!
January 30, 2014
Fiona, I usually don't have a lot of liquid left after cooking the beans, so I have never drained them. (As I cook them the water level lowers relative to the beans so I add hot water as needed). I like them ever-so-slighty soupy. There will be plenty left over for the next night, by which time all will have thickened up.
January 29, 2014
I'm just curious what the orange adds to the flavor… tanginess? Zestiness? It's an interesting ingredient for chili and I'd love to know why you chose to use it.
January 29, 2014
Hi Emily. The idea came from Molly Katzen's black bean soup. I'd been making this chili for years and over time changed things, adding in roasted tomatoes, sometimes using chipotle chili (canned, powdered, whatever was on hand). One day I recalled my first taste of the Black Bean Soup from the Moosewood Cookbook. It was delicious, almost beefy, and one of the "sescret ingreds." was orange. It adds a little sweet, a little tart, and some fruitiness. You can also make it without the orange. We often serve the chili with lemon or lime wedges, so I figured why not add a different citrus into the equation, simmered with the rest. N.B. I grew up with citrus trees in our backyard, so it's natural for me to add it to many different preparations.
January 29, 2014
I love the recipes at this site, but where are the nutritional values? I really need to know before I cook.
January 29, 2014
Hi Roberta. This is my own personal recipe; I'm a home cook, so I'm afraid I don't know the nutritional values. I'll quote Merrill's previous quote from another thread addressing this question: "Our recipes come from home cooks, so we don't calculate nutritional info on our site (we believe in moderation and eating fresh, whole foods!). If you would like to calculate the info yourself, this thread may be helpful in figuring out how to go about it: "
January 27, 2014
The beauty of Twitter: the timeline as time machine. I hope this comment thread isn't dead.
I love that it calls for basically whatever beans one has on hand (I nearly always have portions of black, pinto, garbanzo and cannellini in my freezer). Bean recipes are the one dish that I generally exclude from my personal rule of always following precisely the first time I make it. As long as I use the same color of bean called for, I don't feel like I'm disrespecting the author.
Using fire roasted tomatoes sounds like a great idea!
I love that it calls for basically whatever beans one has on hand (I nearly always have portions of black, pinto, garbanzo and cannellini in my freezer). Bean recipes are the one dish that I generally exclude from my personal rule of always following precisely the first time I make it. As long as I use the same color of bean called for, I don't feel like I'm disrespecting the author.
Using fire roasted tomatoes sounds like a great idea!
Allison L.
March 10, 2013
Can you soak the beans overnight and then cook the in a crock pot with the onion/tomato mixture?
March 10, 2013
I'd try it, why not? As long as you saute the onion and garlic mixture first before piling it into the pot.
Allison L.
March 22, 2013
Tried this yesterday and they were great! But for the crock pot, halve the recipe, as 5 cups is a lot of beans. My kids got the leftovers out of the fridge after dinner & ate them right out of the tupperware, with additional cheese & sour cream.
Joy H.
October 30, 2012
Do all the beans get done at the same time if you're cooking different sizes?
March 3, 2013
although as always it is best to buy from a source with quick turnover; old beans will take longer.
August 26, 2014
I found this to be a problem. 3/4 of the beans were done but the final bean type was still crunchy. I'll stick to one kind of bean in future!
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