Apple Pecan Pie
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6 Reviews
November 12, 2022
Heard this Recipe on the podcast, "Play Me a Recipe" and was really excited to bake along with Erin! It was super delicious, I love the flavors, I don't think I cooked down my apple mixture quite enough and it came out a little wetter than I imagined, but just something for me to improve on for next time, it still tasted amazing!
November 23, 2021
I'm not what you'd call an effusive person and I'm generally leery of mashups, but this is a really terrific pie; my winter project has been apple pie variations, and this is the best yet. The flavor and texture are both first rate. The recipe is perhaps a bit elaborate, but I think it would go pretty fast with a bit of practice; at any rate, nothing particularly difficult about it. I do have a couple of questions about numbers. The recipe says 2 medium apples will produce about 240g. of pieces- I got 110 from half a medium (to me, anyway) Honeycrisp apple (I made 1/3 recipe for a 6" pie). And 1/4" is awfully thick for a pie crust- I used my own recipe (not that different, but I did add a small touch of cinnamon and sugar) and rolled it out to a more standard 1/8" or so.
November 7, 2021
... for a substitute, give Lyle's Golden Syrup a try for Maple Syrup ... but I'm gonna try this, it looks REALLY GOOD!
November 22, 2021
I dunno- I like the flavor of maple with this. If I was going to sub I'd probably go with honey, maybe switch lemon oil (in small quantity) for the vanilla.
December 3, 2021
Tried the honey/lemon oil (+some nutmeg) substitution- I won't go so far as to say it was better, but it was pretty darn good.
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