
Coconut Corn on Salad with Mango Relish

June  4, 2022
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Photo by Greengoddess108
  • Prep time 10 minutes
  • Cook time 30 minutes
  • Serves 4
Author Notes

Mangos are a wonderful zesty companion to sweetcorn. Yes they are both sweet which is soothing for kids and adults alike.

This is a juicy salad which is full of iron and fantastic antioxidants, vitamin A, B6, C, and E for eyesight, boosting memory, and sex drive, why resist the craving.

Mangos and lime are great for digestion and help with glowing healthy skin. This recipe is very light on the actual time spent in the kitchen cooking is even lighter so makes a wonderful dinner for a summer evening. —Amrita Ma Devi

What You'll Need
  • 4 cups mixed salad leaves: red leaf rocket, Belgium endive, leaf lettuce.
  • 2 corn on the cobs
  • For the corn/Dressing/Relish
  • 2 tablespoons ghee
  • 1 teaspoon curry powder
  • 2 tablespoons grated coconut
  • big pinch of date sugar for each cob
  • 1/2 lime juiced
  • 1/2 Himalayan salt
  • 4 tablespoons olive oil
  • 1/2 teaspoon nigella
  • 1 mango peeled
  • 1/3 cup cilantro
  • 8 leaves of mint
  • 8 leaves of spearmint
  • 1 teaspoon fresh turmeric and ginger root julienned
  • 1/3 cup olive oil optional
  1. Boil the corn to cook for 20 minutes on a medium flame. Meanwhile slice the mango into 5mm pieces and place in a bowl to the side, with the cilantro and the rest of the relish ingredients.
  2. In a small jam jar or glass mixed together with your dressing ingredients and stir well.
  3. Once the corn is soft and ready, drain the water and pat dry. In a frying pan add the ghee and curry spice to a medium flame. Place the corn in the pan and allow the spices to get between the skin of the corn, sprinkle with some salt coat each side with spices and ghee. Turn off the fire and sprinkle the sugar and coconut flakes onto the corn to coat them on all sides.
  4. Take the corn out of the pan onto a chopping board and dice into 3 cm thick pieces and place to the side.
  5. When making a plate of this dish, add the salad leaves to a large bowl, then spoon on the dressing, followed by the relish and the corn.

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