5 Ingredients or Fewer

White Nectarine and Blackberry Salad

August 26, 2023
0 Ratings
Photo by The Sage Olive
  • Prep time 1 hour 15 minutes
  • Serves 2
Author Notes

This salad is perfect for summer fruit season. Only four ingredients and packs a lot of flavor. —The Sage Olive

What You'll Need
  • 2 white nectarines
  • 1 cup fresh blackberries
  • 2 tablespoons light or dark brown sugar
  • 1-2 teaspoons freshly grated ginger
  1. Cut the nectarines in 1-inch pieces and add to a small bowl.
  2. Add the blackberries, brown sugar and ginger.
  3. Mix well and refrigerate for at least an hour before serving to allow the fruit to macerate. Serve as is or with yogurt or ice cream.

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