
Adamson Road stir-fry

November 25, 2023
0 Ratings
  • Prep time 15 minutes
  • Cook time 15 minutes
  • Serves 2-4
Author Notes

Not really a recipe, and not really a stir-fry -- more similar to a fried rice, but with lots of vegetables and it doesn't have to be rice.

Basically just vegetables, grain, and egg. Simple and easy and good. —Alex Rosen

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  • some vegetables
  • some grains
  • some eggs
  • some soy sauce
  • some spices
  1. Chop the vegetables into thumb-sized or smaller pieces. Use 2-3 different kinds. Good ones are: Broccoli, kale or other leafy greens, mushrooms, corn, tomato, pepper. For visual niceness, try to use at least one thing that's not green or brown. In a large pan, put olive oil and garlic and the vegetables and saute them down.
  2. At the same time, cook a grain in another pot. Can be rice, barley, buckwheat, etc.
  3. When the vegetables are done, crack 2-4 eggs on top of them, and stir everything around so the eggs are cooked.
  4. Then, put the cooked and drained grains into the pan too, and mix everything around.
  5. Add some soy sauce and some other flavorings: paprika, oregano, a little bit of vinegar. (This can be done earlier instead, while sauteing the vegetables.)

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