5 Ingredients or Fewer

Smoked Trout Deviled Eggs

May 14, 2024
0 Ratings
Photo by AntoniaJames
  • Prep time 10 minutes
  • Serves 3
Author Notes

For years I’ve made deviled eggs my “signature” side brought to summer block parties and other potlucks. Invariably, they disappear within minutes after I put them out. I’m a big fan of eggs (cooked any way) served with smoked fish of any kind. Here’s a fun iteration combining the two: deviled eggs stuffed with smoked trout - easily sourced in 3-ounce tins (the Bumble Bee brand works well) at your local supermarket. I made but 6 halves to test this as I’m the only person here at the moment who likes both deviled eggs and smoked trout (all the more for me!), but I’m quite sure the recipe can be double, tripled, or quadrupled - or scaled up even more, if making these for a crowd. NB: If you use a full tin of trout, the filling, even when heaped generously in the eggs, will likely exceed by a few tablespoons what you need. Put that little dividend on crackers for the tastiest of treats. Enjoy!! ;o) —AntoniaJames

What You'll Need
  • 3 hard-cooked eggs, peeled and halved
  • 2.5 ounces / 70 grams smoke trout or whitefish (from on small tin)
  • 1 tablespoon + 1 teaspoon mayo (or more to taste)
  • 2 teaspoons dill pickle brine (or a pinch of salt, to taste)
  • Salt and freshly ground black pepper, to taste
  • 1 teaspoon chopped chives, for garnish
  1. Scoop out the egg yolks and mash thoroughly with a fork. Add the smoked trout and mashed it into the yolks.
  2. Add the mayo and the pickle brine. Mix well You may need to do some more mashing to make the filling uniform. Test for salt and correct; add a few grinds of black pepper, if you like.
  3. Heap the filling high into the egg halves. Top with chives. Enjoy!! ;o)

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  • creamtea
  • AntoniaJames
  • Nancy

Recipe by: AntoniaJames

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6 Reviews

creamtea May 15, 2024
These look tempting and fun! We get refrigerated smoked trout here (in addition to salmon and mackerel). Never made deviled eggs before, but I think I'll try these!
AntoniaJames May 15, 2024
Thanks, creamtea. I hope you like them! (If you like smoked fish, I'm certain you will.) ;o)
Nancy May 15, 2024
AJ - make that at least two people who like smoked fish in devilled eggs…recipe sounds great and I plan to make it after my next grocery shop!
AntoniaJames May 15, 2024
Nancy, let me know if you like them or recommend any tweaks! With so little mayo, they're rather light, which I like - the smoked fish takes center stage. I think they'd be great with a touch of dill, which I would have used, but my dill plants are only now just peeking through the soil here on the high plains in Colorado. ;o)
Nancy May 15, 2024
Will do.😉
Nancy May 26, 2024
AJ -
Lovely recipe! Good both for parties and home snacking.
Also a nice variation on the basic devilled eggs...
Happy to make the acquaintance of this dish, which I only just learned comes from the Pegu Bar, a NYC bar pioneering and specialising in craft cocktails (NYC - Soho/Greenwich Village for about 15 years from 2005),