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Moroccan Carrot Salad by Way of Israel
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11 Reviews
Petal M.
January 29, 2021
Just wondering, no oil? When ever this salad is served at weddings in Israel it looks like it has some oil in it. I haven't made it yet.
Just wondering, no oil? When ever this salad is served at weddings in Israel it looks like it has some oil in it. I haven't made it yet.
September 27, 2019
I coat the carrots in the spice blend and then roast for time efficiency! The flavor of the spices are enhanced and the carrots get a bit sweeter in the roasting process. I add the lemon juice and parsley before serving. Delicious! Thanks for sharing. My whole family enjoys :)
November 11, 2016
So many of my recipes are Moroccan by way of Israel -- so I REALLY loved the name of this recipe.
For example, once when I volunteered in the IDF , our camp cook was Moroccan and he generously wrote out a ton of his mother's recipes for me.
For this one I peel the carrots, slice them in the food processor, and steam them for about 15 - 17 minutes. Then I drop them into the dressing. They are not mushy and absorb the dressing easily.
For example, once when I volunteered in the IDF , our camp cook was Moroccan and he generously wrote out a ton of his mother's recipes for me.
For this one I peel the carrots, slice them in the food processor, and steam them for about 15 - 17 minutes. Then I drop them into the dressing. They are not mushy and absorb the dressing easily.
February 27, 2011
Sounds very yummy! My daughter's nose turned orange when she was a baby from eating way too many carrots and squash! She doesn't like them so much now. :)
February 28, 2011
That's too funny. So did my husband's but we were the only two I'd heard of! Too bad she doesn't like them so much now.
February 27, 2011
Yum! This sounds awesome. I once had a boss who went on a diet and ate so many carrots he turned a little orange.
February 27, 2011
you wait to cut the carrots until after cooked? is there a reason?
can't wait to see your other carrot recipes!
can't wait to see your other carrot recipes!
February 27, 2011
Good question! I guess you could really do it either way. I have it in my head that this helps prevent them from getting mushy, but I'm pretty sure I made that up and either way will work. Thanks :-)
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