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Brittany D.
August 26, 2020
I bought some Sour Cream and Onion flavored crickets so I could try a new snack with protein, because I'll eat meat but I don't necessarily like it very much. Crickets did not disappoint! They totally are crunchy, craveable and delicious, and they're my new favorite meat!
Christopher S.
January 3, 2020
Crickets (Chapulines in Oaxaca, Mexico where I live) are a prevalent food source, consumed by the Zapotec Pre- memorium. In Modern times it has been found that Crickets are an especially rich source of Vit B-12, that Vegetarians and Vegans need but lack in their diet. Crickets have about 240 micrograms of B-12/100 grams — the RDA OF B-12 is about 2.4 micrograms. Therefore, up to 100 times a requirement. B-12 is made by Bacteria that grow in soil so Insects (esp Crickets) that dwell in soil top the B-12 food source list. Any list that includes edible insects, AKA Chapulines.
Tanvir A.
January 25, 2020
I would appreciate the link to your source if you find it. Curious to know what the other minerals, vitamins, and lipids are in the study.
Guido B.
December 7, 2018
I have no problems with eating insects. However, businesses and commercials that show parts of warm-blooded animals are offending my feelings.
It was my opinion that vegetarians may eat eggs, milk, fish or insects but vegans do not.
Crickets or grasshoppers are eating the leaves of the vegetables that I grow. I do not use insecticides to kill insects, I prefer to eat some of the insects. Usually, I eat them uncooked with wings and legs.
I would support a heavy tax on meat products and insecticides.
It was my opinion that vegetarians may eat eggs, milk, fish or insects but vegans do not.
Crickets or grasshoppers are eating the leaves of the vegetables that I grow. I do not use insecticides to kill insects, I prefer to eat some of the insects. Usually, I eat them uncooked with wings and legs.
I would support a heavy tax on meat products and insecticides.
May 22, 2018
BUGS & FISH are NOT vegetarian. And so are oysters, clams etc. Some misunderstand the term "vegetarianism" and make funny theories to make people believe.
Nikki Y.
December 3, 2016
Ugh. There are often bugs on organic produce. Vegans are eating animals whether they know it or not.
October 24, 2018
Wrong notion. Vegetarianism is all about NOT harming another creature intentionally. If someone eats a bug that they did not notice that was on the produce (possible in fresh leaf salads), it does NOT count towards "harming" animals. So, it is still vegetarian because the person has done it unknowingly or unintentionally. Geez!
Catherine L.
March 1, 2016
I'm a pescetarian (so already only semi-vegetarian), but I am totally down with insects. I stopped eating meat mainly because I didn't crave it, and I had issues with the environmental impact -- insects are a great way to get protein with a super-minimal carbon/water footprint.
Martina M.
July 14, 2017
Hi Catherine!
I was the same as you. but nowadays I'm an "Insecterian"! :)
I started having crickets when I quit meat, eggs and dairy. I was feeling very weak, fatigue and tired, and the vegan proteins I was having (pea and brown rice protein powders) were not working for me. I started to look for an alternative protein and found out about crickets. And got in love with it! I bought some #cricketproteinpowder from USA and after a month having it everyday in my smoothies I could tell the difference in my body. Crickets were the life-changing protein source for me.
I was the same as you. but nowadays I'm an "Insecterian"! :)
I started having crickets when I quit meat, eggs and dairy. I was feeling very weak, fatigue and tired, and the vegan proteins I was having (pea and brown rice protein powders) were not working for me. I started to look for an alternative protein and found out about crickets. And got in love with it! I bought some #cricketproteinpowder from USA and after a month having it everyday in my smoothies I could tell the difference in my body. Crickets were the life-changing protein source for me.
March 1, 2016
Insects are no more vegetarian than crab, shrimp or lobster, all three of which are in phylum Arthropoda, just like insects. A crab is basically a big underwater bug. Heck, Cajuns knowingly call crawfish "mudbugs."
And vegetarians who have consciously chosen their diet for ethical reasons really shouldn't be eating anything with added sugar. Almost all commercially produced cane sugar here in the USA is processed using bone char as a whitener (basically carbonized beef bones).
And vegetarians who have consciously chosen their diet for ethical reasons really shouldn't be eating anything with added sugar. Almost all commercially produced cane sugar here in the USA is processed using bone char as a whitener (basically carbonized beef bones).
October 24, 2018
There is VEGAN sugar - where activated charcoal is used instead of bone char. All ORGANIC sugars are vegan. There are countries that sell sugar labeled "vegetarian" meaning no bone-char.
Christopher S.
January 3, 2020
I can’t rationalize Deforestation to make “Activated Charcoal”. Tomatoes have a “scream” reaction when clipped to a Polygraph machine then “forked”. If we could get B-12 without, ultimately, extinguishing the soil Bacteria that produce it.Where would Whole Plant Based Diet be?
February 29, 2016
I would try crickets but the question of "are bugs vegetarian" is simple: no.
vegetarian has vegetable as it's "root" word (pun intended)
the body of an insect is made up of meat and organs etc
that's not vegetarian fare
vegetarian has vegetable as it's "root" word (pun intended)
the body of an insect is made up of meat and organs etc
that's not vegetarian fare
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