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Brette W.
July 25, 2012
Hi all,
Those who haven't sent in photos from their event, feel free to send them to brette@food52.com! There will be a post going up on Friday with photos from the events all around the country. Thanks!
Those who haven't sent in photos from their event, feel free to send them to brette@food52.com! There will be a post going up on Friday with photos from the events all around the country. Thanks!
Nothing I.
July 20, 2012
Here's a blog post & photos of our pickling & preserving party in Washington DC:
Thanks so much for the jars and inspiration--we had a wonderful day!
Thanks so much for the jars and inspiration--we had a wonderful day!
July 16, 2012
20+ folks came to my canning class on Can It Forward Day. we celebrated preservation while putting up some apricot-peach-almond preserves. YUM! FUN!
July 14, 2012
Had a great time today making tomato basil and lemon blueberry jam. Thanks Food52!
July 10, 2012
Anyone in Atlanta area interested? I'm hosting a potluck at The Cook's Warehouse in midtown Atlanta (Ansley Mall - Piedmont Rd @ Monroe Dr) from 10am to 2pm. Bring your produce and recipe and we'll supply the rest! Please let me know if you plan to attend so we can get a good headcount.
July 2, 2012
I'll be hosting in Royal Oak, MI (metro Detroit), canning whatever looks fabulous at the Farmers Market that morning. Jam, pickles, chutney, all is possible. I like the sound of that tomato jam, though it may be a bit early for ripe tomatoes here.
July 2, 2012
A girlfriend and I will be hosting one in Arlington, VA. We're going to go to the farmer's market the day before, but will probably make a fruit jam.
June 27, 2012
I'll be hosting in King of Prussia, PA! Definitely want to make a tomato jam since that is so much easier with extra people! Besides that, we can figure it out!
June 27, 2012
I'll be hosting one in King of Prussia, PA. Definitely want to make a tomato jam since that is so much easier with a group. Besides that, I'm up for ideas!
Angela M.
June 27, 2012
I am hosting in Chico, CA, 6 confirmed. Plum Jam! Plum Sauce! Plum Preserves! Anything to use up the plethora of plums raining down from our tree.
June 26, 2012
if anyone is in the Jerusalem-Tel Aviv area and wants to do a Shuk-Canning session I will happily provide my kitchen!
June 25, 2012
I'm working on securing a large professional kitchen in Atlanta (Midtown area) to host a canning potluck. Not sure if any Atlanta Food52er's would be interested, but I'd like to know if you are. The kitchen can handle 15-20 folks comfortably. I know lots of folks who've been canning for years, so depending on work schedules, we should be able to get a good group together for the 1st Annual Atlanta "Can-It-Forward" Day!
July 10, 2012
I'll be hosting a potluck in Atlanta from 10am to 2pm at The Cook's Warehouse at Ansley Mall (midtown Atlanta). We'll be canning whatever looks fabulous at the Farmers Market that morning. Jam, pickles, chutney, all is possible -- just bring your produce and recipe(s). We'll supply the jars, canning tools, etc. I'll definitely be making some bacon jam and some peach preserves. I also like the sound of that tomato jam, though it depends on whether I can find some nice ripe organic tomatoes. We have space for more folks, so if you're interested in attending, please email me for more information. Also, if you'll need a lot of vinegar or sugar for your recipe, let me know so I make sure we have enough on hand. Look forward to seeing you on Saturday!
June 25, 2012
I'd be interested in hosting one in King of Prussia, PA. Definitely something tomato related since that's easier to can with a group! Then whatever is fresh at the farmers market down the road. :)
June 24, 2012
I can can...I don't know who the Food52ers are in Chicago though. Joan, are you in?
June 24, 2012
I'd love to make pickles with the senior center in New Fairfield, Ct. !!!
If you provide the canning stuff we'll be on our way . Help us keep busy and use the bounty of the summer.
If you provide the canning stuff we'll be on our way . Help us keep busy and use the bounty of the summer.
June 24, 2012
Just called a bunch of friends who are now bringing friends. I will teach them all how to make pickled blueberries, horseradish dilly beans, and peach jam, up in Cornwall, NY. Right now I have 23 people coming.
June 24, 2012
pixelcookie, do you have a recipe for the pickled blueberries that you can share? I have quite a few quarts of just-picked blueberries (from my bushes . . . . and this bumper crop is barely a week underway); I'd love to put up some blueberry pickles! Thanks so much. ;o)
June 24, 2012
Anyone hosting in Los Angeles, CA? I'm in the Glendale-Pasadena area.
June 25, 2012
If anyone is hosting in the Los Angeles area, I would also like to attend. I am in N. Hollywood very close to Toluca Lake.
June 24, 2012
Anyone interested in hosting in the Baltimore, MD area? I see that someone is hosting in DC, but I'd rather stay closer to home...
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