Where can I buy Meyer lemons in Atlanta area?

a Whole Foods Market Customer


susan G. June 16, 2012
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chefsusie June 16, 2012
Meyer lemons are a lemon with I believe, mandarin orange.(quick google says yes!) You could do a 3:1 ratio to get a similar flavor profile. I have a Meyer lemon tree that is producing right now. If you lived near me I would be happy to give you some! =)
Summer O. June 16, 2012
When they are in season in Atlanta they have them at Whole Foods, Your DeKalb Farmer's Market and the Buford Highway Farmer's Market.
Sam1148 June 16, 2012
Try looking at a Middle eastern store for persian lemons. About the same thing.

At my wal-mart in Alabama they have Meyer lemons when in season, as mentioned. For very cheap---2.50 for a bag of a dozen or so. Which was very surprising to find about 1/8 of the cost for the same at Publix. (in Jan..Feb).
Author Comment
Ok thanks! Saw a recipe on this site for easy lemon tart but I guess I'll have to wait a few months to try it!
HalfPint June 15, 2012
Not in season. Try looking again in late Nov-Mar. I have a tree and had ripe Meyers until April this year. They don't travel very well, so finding them out of season is not realistic, even if they're coming from the southern hemisphere.
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