how do I stop receiving comments on this thread?!

Meagan Kelly


Diana B. July 17, 2014
Thanks, Susan. My default is to get notice of subsequent posts, but sometimes a posting becomes quite popular (or controversial) and the number of responses is such that one wishes one could turn the faucet off!
Susan W. July 17, 2014
Yes, some of the threads are uber active. I have the opposite problem...I no longer get notifications. It's a mystery. I used to get them, but they disappeared. I have checked my settings to know avail.
Diana B. July 16, 2014
I think all of us have this question from time to time and would like to "unsubscribe" to receiving notices on a given (usually very active) post. Is there some way to do this by ourselves?
Susan W. July 16, 2014
Diana, I guess they are working on it, but for now, you have to add an answer to the thread and before you submit it, check the box that opts you out of notifications on that thread.
Lindsay-Jean H. July 16, 2014
Apologies for all of the unwanted emails Meagan. You should now be opted out of receiving emails when people comment on that post.

And for future reference, you can review your email preferences here:
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