Trying to find Kaffir Lime Tree to purchase via mail order

I finally own a home and would love to have a Kaffir Lime Tree. You could always find kaffir lime leaves (for Thai dishes) in Asian stores but you can't anymore. Was there a blight? Why did these things become so hard to find? I'm trying to find a kaffir lime tree plant to purchase. I've seen a few online but the only vendor that didn't say "out of stock" won't guarantee safe arrival of the plant. (You pay for it even if it arrives dead.) Any suggestions on good mail order plant houses? Thanks!

Louise Chiffonade Brescia
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Heleen March 10, 2021
I bought yuzu, kaffir and other citrus trees online at All of them are doing great, both in the yard as in pots on the lanai. I’m in south west Florida.
SMSF September 25, 2020
Kaffir lime is becoming more commonly known in the plant world as Makrut Lime. Four Winds Growers in CA ships their citrus trees (except to Arizona, Florida & Texas, I think that's a US Agriculture law).

They also sell wholesale to nurseries. I've had good luck with Four Winds lemon trees purchased locally.

Louise C. September 25, 2020
Oh no! I live in Florida so I can't use your source. Thanks for the tip about it now being called makrut. I had no idea!
HalfPint September 24, 2020
I'm assuming you are in the US, have you tried Home Depot? They have a dwarf tree on their website for $16.
HalfPint September 24, 2020
Sorry, it's key lime. Try Etsy.
HalfPint September 24, 2020
Sorry again, I am losing my mind. Home Depot has Kieffer Lime trees, which looks to be the same as Kaffir.
Louise C. September 24, 2020
Thank you so much! I had no idea HD carried these. It may be something I need to order and have sent to my local store. I'll check it out. Thanks again!
Louise C. September 24, 2020
Don't worry about losing your mind. It's a common occurrence for me...
Valhalla September 24, 2020
I would try local garden centers first (for one reason, to get a larger plant), but I have ordered successfully from Logee's, and they currently have the kaffir/makrut lime tree (Citrus hystrix) in stock. I can't remember if the one I have now came from there or my farmer's market. It has grown quite large but has not flowered yet. It spends winters indoors, after getting a good spray to knock insects off (like all citrus, it is prone to scale). Good luck!
Louise C. September 24, 2020
Thanks - I'll take a look around locally. I'm sure there are some nurseries within 45 minutes of here. I had such terrible luck looking online I didn't think I had a chance locally. I'll also check out Logee's - I have never heard of them. Thanks for the tip!
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