I've got a recipe for lamb, apricots, and garlic cloves grilled on skewers. Not finding any fresh apricots lately. Can I reconstitute dried apricots and grill them?



innoabrd October 26, 2010
Think it sounds delicious. Taking up pierino's suggestion towards a tagine, you might try adding a few pieces of pickled lemon to your skewers.
pierino October 25, 2010
Especially better given that stone fruit season is virtually over. But think outside the box a bit. The combination of ingredients might work better as a tagine (kind of a North African stew) rather than as skewers. Apricots wouldn't burn.That would go well with couscous.
Hilarybee October 25, 2010
I think using dried apricots sounds better than using fresh! I agree with Jon and AJ- reconstitute those apricots in some alcohol- brandy sounds like a good idea to me.
anyone October 25, 2010
in my opinion dried fruit in savory dishes and sauces is better and in some cases less work. Go for it!
Jon P. October 25, 2010
AntoniaJames is right on. Reconstituting dried fruit gives you a chance to give it much more flavor and complexity than it originally had, because you can replace the water in the fruit with something that has much more flavor than water. Could be alcohol, stock, juice, almost anything that isn't water, really.
AntoniaJames October 25, 2010
Yes, definitely. The flavor will probably be stronger, and frankly, they will probably taste and perform better. Fresh apricots are so delicate, and their flavor so mild. I can't imagine a fresh apricot holding up that well over grill heat, for the time it would take to cook the meat. Make sure you re-hydrate them in something really tasty . . .preferably wine or booze that works well with the other flavors. Good luck and have fun! ;o)
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