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Creamy Raw Asparagus Pesto
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14 Reviews
June 20, 2019
Made this for dinner tonight -- we have a glut of asparagus from our CSA and I was looking for something different to do with it. This was so good! We could hardly keep from eating it out of the food processor while the pasta cooked lol!
April 23, 2013
Made this the other night and it's awesome. I love both the texture and flavor of the pesto, as well as how quick and easy it is! Served it over pasta and my whole family gobbled it up.
May 6, 2011
This sounds amazing! Do you ever use it as a dip for raw vegetables or on crostini?
March 16, 2011
Great flavor combination!
March 16, 2011
Thanks, hk! The raw asparagus in the salad that inspired the recipes tastes a little like peas. The pesto flavor is a little reminiscent of avocado for some reason. (I sometimes have my husband taste things and guess what's in it, his first guess was avocado, so I tasted it again, and thought wow... it does taste a bit like avocado!)
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