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Beets with Horseradish or Polish "?wik?a".
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10 Reviews
Nota Y.
March 30, 2013
Chrzan, meaning horseradish, is pronounced Hsh-on, the syllabic way is H (hard H, think of the work HE )- SH (like the sound you make when telling someone to be quiet) - ON (almost like a mix between the words on and an, pretend to say the name Anne in a british accent). now put all of that together.
April 11, 2011
my dad and his family are 100% polish - this is a staple at easter for us! love seeing it here! can't pass up some good ol' chrzan!
March 28, 2011
Beets and horseradish mix is called in Polish "?wik?a". Chrzan means horseradish. Thank you for sharing this recipe!
March 29, 2011
Thank you for clarifying this for me. Now, if I could just pronounce it. I guess we will just continue calling it good!
March 25, 2011
Welcome to Food 52... this sounds wonderful! Will you make it next time I come to visit?
March 26, 2011
If you want to make the trek today I'm making it!
I will definitely make some the next time you come!
I will definitely make some the next time you come!
March 25, 2011
Mmm, yum. The idea of a mound of these with some kielbasa is irresistible. Definitely on my "must-make" list. ;o)
March 26, 2011
Antonia, it is on my "must-make" list for TODAY.....after posting I couldn't get the thought out of my head. So, its kielbasa with chrzan for dinner tonight.
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