Cast Iron
Pan-Roasted Calamari Salad with Tomatoes and Avocado
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22 Reviews
Firecracker K.
July 25, 2016
Hello! I'm looking for a salad to take for a day at the lake and came across your recipe! The best calamari my hubby and I have ever had was grilled, so I'm jazzed to try this recipe. One issue is that I can't have tomatoes. Argh... Do you have any suggestions for a substitute? Many thanks!
July 25, 2016
Maybe try grilled red pepper? I think that would go with it well...maybe add a couple of pitted oil-cured olives, a little (not stale) paprika and give it a Spanish spin? Good luck!
Firecracker K.
July 25, 2016
Thank you for your quick reply and suggestion. Unfortunately, the red pepper is also a no-no, but I like your idea of the oil-cured olives. I had to laugh at your "not stale" paprika comment. So true! I just Googled "substitutes for tomatoes" and came across the suggestion of under-ripe mango or cucumbers for coming close to the tart, watery flavors tomatoes bring. I will let you know how it goes! Thanks!
July 25, 2016
Or given the season - maybe a grilled peach or nectarine - off in a different direction again but it might be delicious.....
Firecracker K.
July 25, 2016
You know, nectarines came to mind, but the peach didn't. I like both options, especially grilling them. I will update you once I've made it. Thanks so much for responding so quickly and, well, just responding. I've noticed that many of the people who post their recipes don't necessarily answer questions and it's left to others on the site to answer the questions. So, thanks!
July 13, 2014
I remember this vividly, as I was its fortunate tester. It still remains one of the best things I've ever eaten.
July 17, 2013
No, there isn't any water in the recipe and the olive oil and lemon juice goes into the pan with teh calamari. I just thought perhaps the liquid came from frozen calamari since the 1/2 cup of olive oil for one lb. of calamari, the tomatoes and avocado isn't a lot of liquid to start with. Sorry for the confusion but I can't think what else it may have been.
Amy B.
July 17, 2013
Now I'm confused because I don't recall water in recipe. Calamari had been frozen but was thawed. I can't imagine that 1/2 cup olive oil and juice of a lemon would be absorbed while sitting in refrigerator. So what I dumped in hot pan was calamari with all that liquid. Was I supposed to remove it from the liquid?
July 17, 2013
I have never had a problem with liquid. Were you using frozen calamari that still had ice on it? The oil liquid readily seems to be absorbed and flavors the other ingredients. All I can think of is to try drying the calamari with a paper towel before putting it in the water. Sorry.
Amy B.
July 17, 2013
Just made for lunch and we loved it. However, puzzled by the browning and pan roasting because there was too much liquid for either to happen without overcooking. Thoughts?
June 10, 2011
I used this in a summertime cooking class with bright flavors and minimal fuss tonight. I substituted tilapia for the calamari, but the marinating and cooking methods and ingredients were identical. Everyone was astonished that the fish wasn't overdone, and at the tomato and avocado flavors. This is to a keeper. Thank you very much.
June 11, 2011
Thanks! Tilapia is a great idea - over to the docks tomorrow to find some....or something similar.
June 11, 2011
Seriously, your recipe is genius. I continue to be amazed by how flexible it is, and by how both bright and deep its flavors. This afternoon I ran into two people who had been in the class last night, and they'd both gone out this morning and gotten ingredients to make this tonight.
May 17, 2011
Today was test day, and we absolutely loved it. The browned flavor of the calamari is heavenly. I especially liked the last touch of tossing the tomatoes and avocados (though I'll admit I had a moment's pause with the latter) into the pan at the last minutes to marry all the lovely juices and bring down their temperatures. Most of my students had never tasted calamari before today, and many confessed to being somewhat terrified of it. Our rule is: taste everything. So they did, and were amazed that they loved it. Thank you, this is just lovely.
May 12, 2011
I claimed it for the EP test. Can't wait.
May 12, 2011
I'm hoping I have your permission to use frozen calamari. I'm landlocked, and that's my best bet. Your flavors and textures are so wonderful I couldn't resist. If it needs to be fresh, say the word, and I'll give it back for someone else to try.
May 12, 2011
No problem. I am so lucky where I am but not a mountain in sight....go for the frozen. Try to defrost in cold lightly salted water if you have the time - or else lukewarm - and dry well. Ignore me - I'm stating the obvious.
May 14, 2011
Thanks for the advice. I'm planning to make this with my students on Monday, so we'll arrive at a group evaluation. They're very much looking forward to it.
May 7, 2011
Thanks! I have a cople of small individual cast iron skillets that I use to make it and then serve - but you have to move fast to squish the arugula under the squid in the hot skillet.
May 1, 2011
Wonderful ingredients and great description of your preparation. This looks fantastic, and I imagine is beautiful on the plate.
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