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Red Lentil Pasta Sauce
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13 Reviews
July 27, 2015
Oh. My. Goodness. I made the garlic bread mentioned in the comments. Not sur I can trust myself to make again. I made the bread first in a hotter oven than I cook the salmon, which I made this evening. While waiting for the salmon to finish, I inhaled the garlic-spinach bread and really didn't wat the salmon but I talked myself into a small piece. I deluded myself into thinking that the wilted spinach counted as a vegetable so didn't make the planned salad. I handily ate 3 healthy portions of bread. I advise all to steer clear of the bread--it's just too good!
July 26, 2015
Cooked this today and am looking forward to eating this week (of course I have already sampled!). I needed to cook the sauce much longer--an additional 1-1/2 hours, at least. I wanted the lentils softer, not chewy, and I processed it in the food processor. Forgot to add the bell pepper, which I would do in the future. I also added about 1/2 tsp. porcini powder, which I learned about elsewhere on the site (ground dried porcinis) and it gave a good unami flavor. For my taste, I would not add the red pepper flakes again. In the future, I would double the carrot. I'm grateful to have a great-tasting and nutritious non-meat meal.
June 9, 2013
I finally made this tonight and it was delicious! Both my meat ragu loving husband and vegetarian daughter ate it happily. Thanks!
March 3, 2013
Yum! I love using lentils in a tomato pasta sauce!
They also make great Sloppy Lennies!
I'd rather get my greens via bread rather than salad,too!
They also make great Sloppy Lennies!
I'd rather get my greens via bread rather than salad,too!
February 26, 2013
Great idea, Pat! but I'm also intrigued by the idea of spinach garlic bread. do tell....
February 26, 2013
It's not really a recipe I've ever written down but I smash a lot of garlic in softened butter, spread on a sliced baguette (or something similar), top with steamed spinach, sprinkle with mozzarella and bake in a hot oven for 10 or 15 minutes. Pretty good with the pasta and we get our greens(LOL)! Thanks for asking!
December 24, 2011
Thanks so much susan g!! It's only been in the past year or two that I've used red lentils and I too find them visually appealing!
susan G.
December 23, 2011
This was our dinner tonight -- enjoyed, appreciated, and even a medium serving was pleasantly filling. I like the visual effect of the red lentils -- and the nutritional profile should be impressive. Comfort food!
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