Make Ahead
A Beef Salad my Cat and I Love
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26 Reviews
June 27, 2011
My cat tries to be famous too! Is he a Russian Blue? Love the texture, colour and protein content of your most interesting salad. Hope you gave him a few morsels of steak...
June 27, 2011
Thanks, foodtoglow, for appreciating the protein profile in this salad. I am trying to eat healthier this summer. My cat was a rescue, along with his tiger sister, so he might be part Russian Blue. I think he enjoyed a frog that day instead.
June 21, 2011
The fact I looked through all the photos before I read the recipe says something about me, although I'm not sure what (crazy cat lady?) Adorable kitty (and, of course, fabulous salad!)
June 21, 2011
Thanks, wssmom. I really like how well this salad holds up, with no wilting. I think my cat is drawn to the fish sauce, too, but he doesn't get probably would not be good for him. Bear is pretty adorable, but I have to keep my eye on any plate I put on the ground to photograph. He is much quicker than I. The out-takes are sometimes hilarious with a few messy spills.
June 21, 2011
Well, Sagegreen, this is also MY kind of salad (sometimes known as "Kitchen Sink"). And that kitty is just too cute! My Julia would have eaten the beef right out of the salad and left the rest. never could get her interested in veggies. ;)
June 21, 2011
You are a catwoman!
June 21, 2011
Oh yes, we have our subcult within this community, don't we? I am having so much fun with recipes this week, I am not concentrating on my I better tear myself away and just work off line to get something else done today. I eny you, that food is your professional world!
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