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Raw Sweet Corn Tossed with Buttermilk and Herbs
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9 Reviews
July 3, 2013
Nothing better than the raw sweet corn. I love your salad and cannot wait to try it!
August 9, 2011
So far I have felt like growing sweet corn in my tiny community garden plot would be a tremendous waste of space. But just last week my fiance said, "I miss real sweet corn." So, it may mean sacrificing a tomato plant or some beans, but I think I will plant a few seeds next year. Meanwhile, this year I have found a vendor at my favorite farmers market who seems to have good, real, sweet corn, so I will plan to buy a few extra ears and give this a try. Thanks for sharing! (And thank you for testing my recipe!)
July 3, 2011
I finally was able to get my own copy of "Flatbreads and Flavors" by Alford and Duguid the other day. It includes a dukkah recipe, which calls for thyme! I made dukkah-fried fish (using pauljoseph's method, with rice flour, which I highly recommend), so instead of using marjoram, I used freshly picked English thyme. It was sublime! It's much more subtle, but compliments the dukkah nicely. Just FYI. ;o)
June 29, 2011
What a wonderful relish! I never would have come up with this combination on my own, so thank you! Can't wait to try.
June 29, 2011
Thank you, KM. I hope you do!! I had a bit of extra chopped marjoram from another more conventional use -- and we were having corn that night, so I rolled buttered cobs of cooked corn in it. The unanimous verdict was, "Amazing!!" Then I thought, "Why not in a fresh corn salad?" So I put some in my "Summer Salad," (posted here), which we liked, a lot. And then last week, when I was making some raw corn raita for a curry, the light bulb went off and the buttermilk + marjoram combination was born. The timing was perfect because the next night, I made dukkah-dusted fried fish (the recipe for which I plan to post, if I have a chance, this weekend) and fresh roti. The combination is magical. Dukkah + marjoram tastes a bit like a good Bavarian sausage, of all things. ;o)
June 28, 2011
Totally agree with your about the fresh marjoram. Lovely.
June 29, 2011
Thanks so much, boulangere! My marjoram plant has been going wild these past few months, with the nice spring and early summer weather, so I've been having a lot of fun with it. ;o)
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