5 Ingredients or Fewer
Cherry Tomato Confit
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9 Reviews
Ashley V.
August 6, 2022
My new favorite summer condiment! I especially love how adaptable it is; I’ve made it with the end of a pint of cherry tomatoes, barely enough for a couple of servings, and I’ve made it with Costco-sized containers bought specifically to make this recipe. Planning to make a huge batch to freeze for winter, so I can make my new favorite lazy girl snack whenever I want - toasted homemade bread, Laughing Cow/Boursin, and this wonderful burst of freshness. Bonus - it’s a wonderfully unexpected addition to a cheese board!
January 10, 2014
Fabulous! I used my potato masher to 'smush' any stubborn cherry tomatoes about halfway through. I put it through the food mill to lose the skins--the result is ethereal!
Jo A.
August 30, 2013
I have made this recipe with early girl toms from neighbor's garden. Fantastic! I also made it with cherry toms....but blanched them for 1 min to remove the skins which I don't particularly like to have floating around in this beautiful, sweet, wonderfulmouthfeel ambrosia!
August 14, 2011
Delicious & Gratifying...let me count the ways to serve this :) Thanks, TasteFood!
August 14, 2011
This is my keeper from the contest so far, the key word being "freeze". I'm sure this could be adapted to can with some more acid, but this is like basil pesto, so easy to freeze in baggies.
August 13, 2011
How ridiculously simple and I bet it is awesome! Can't wait for the cherry tomatoes to come in!
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