Cornmeal Buttermilk Waffles
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4 Reviews
Julie R.
May 10, 2019
The flavor of these is great, but I have a question. These stuck in my iron pretty badly. I was able to pry them out and salvage them, but they weren't pretty (still delicious, though). I make waffles a lot, (usually the same recipe - cooks illustrated yeasted overnight waffles) and never have this problem with my iron. I even put some oil on the iron, which I don't ever do with the other recipe, but they still stuck. Any suggestions?
Jonathan H.
May 10, 2019
Mmm, that's disappointing. I have occasional sticking problems, but generally not too bad (and we've taken to using our Proctor Silex waffle irons for other things, like tater tots). Sounds like you have a well-conditioned iron; unfortunately I don't have any ideas for remedies.
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