House Sweet and Sour Salad
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8 Reviews
March 6, 2017
Who needs steak? This sounds like a meal to me. ;) I'd swap feta for the blue because mold allergy, but this sounds totally delish! Thanks
October 20, 2012
I love this! For 5 days in a row I've only managed to make an abbreviated version (romaine, onion, bleu, and olives)...because I can't wait to dig in!!!
October 20, 2012
You're too funny! I'm so glad you're enjoying even the abbreviated versions!
October 7, 2012
Yes!!! This is it! Thanks!
Boy, we sure have a sweet tooth when it comes to salads in the midwest ;- )
Boy, we sure have a sweet tooth when it comes to salads in the midwest ;- )
October 7, 2012
Oh yes! Besides a good Caesar this is one of our favorites...actually, my brother is coming in from Baton Rouge this week and I'm planning on making this one for our little family get-to-gether!
October 9, 2012
Flashback!! How nice!
It was definitely a simpler time when everybody got the same salad dressing!
It was definitely a simpler time when everybody got the same salad dressing!
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