Maple Braised Rabbit And Carrots
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22 Reviews
March 16, 2015
This was wildly delicious! If you are at all concerned that this will be too sweet, no fear. The brine and maple balance perfectly. My 4 y.o. son ate 3 pieces, and refused any carrots because "the rabbit is too good to eat carrots". His twin sister, who is a far less voracious meat-eater, picked her leg and thigh piece to the bone and did the happy dinner dance (eyes closed, swaying to and fro with arms waving overhead). We will mos def add this to the regular repertoire. Thanks so much for the recipe!
Cindy F.
October 30, 2014
We always eat rabbit on Halloween. Unfortunitely, our local grocers now informed us that all their rabbits come from China.
October 30, 2014
Congraulations on the Wild Card, Abbie! This looks insanely delicious. I love rabbit, but I must confess that I haven't cooked rabbit since I lived in New York. I will have to see if I can track one down in Victoria. They are not at our local farmer's market, but I will inquire next time I am at the gourmet butcher. :)
October 30, 2014
Are the rabbits available to you different from the small, incredibly bony ones we get out here in the NW? I've cooked recipes with rabbit before and end up fighting bones the entire time I'm eating. Not much fun.
This recipe sounds good, but I think I'd err on the side of chicken like one of your other commentors did.
This recipe sounds good, but I think I'd err on the side of chicken like one of your other commentors did.
October 30, 2014
I can get nice plump ones here at the farmer's market or at the meat counter at my "fancy" market - but if yours are scrawny I think chicken will work fine! Though rabbit is cooked skinless, I think I would use boneless skin on breasts or thighs, and get the skin nice and brown. But also cruise your farmers market for fat bunnies!!!
October 30, 2014
Congratulations on the WC win, Abbie!! This dish sounds truly delicious and it
would very special on a Sunday afternoon with the right wine, conversation & good friends to share with!!
would very special on a Sunday afternoon with the right wine, conversation & good friends to share with!!
October 29, 2014
Congratulations, Abbie! I need to get some rabbit ASAP.
October 29, 2014
WOW - Thanks! How exciting! Funny because I have another rabbit recipe on my weekend "to do" list!!!!
December 9, 2013
Thanks aargersi! I made this tonight and it was absolutely delicious -- and my first time cooking rabbit! The sauce was just right -- not too sweet, which I had feared... And for those of you who don't have access to rabbit, I'm pretty sure this would be similarly delicious with chicken thighs...
December 10, 2013
I am so glad you tried it! I have a rabbit in the freezer right now that I have been pondering - paella? But maybe I will do this again instead ...
June 1, 2012
I love rabbit so I cooked this recipe. I agree this is a top dish. Perfect for Australian winter days here. Thanks.
March 28, 2012
I still have never cooked rabbit! I love eating it though! Maybe if I can get the pup to hunt one down... ;) In all seriousness, this looks incredibly delicious, though!
March 29, 2012
We have a guy at the farmer's market now who sells them - his are outstanding. Hunt one down! Maybe at an Italian meat market?
March 27, 2012
This looks delicious! A totally under used protein - and it seems perfect here!
Cristina S.
March 27, 2012
Not only does this look delicious, but your headnote and instructions really made me laugh. It's been too long since I last made rabbit, and you've given me the perfect excuse to make it again soon!
March 27, 2012
I hope you do, and that you enjoy it! Rabbit is such a tasty delicate meat, and highly sustainable - we should all eat more of it. Especially on EASTER :-)
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