Kale Salad with Thai Maple Bacon Brittle
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7 Reviews
LeBec F.
March 30, 2012
I admire the flavors combo, but this is raw or cooked? I really like kale, but not raw.
March 30, 2012
Oops sorry LBF and Boulder...contest is closed so I can't edit the recipe until CP/EP are announced. Go ahead and blanch, or slightly wilt your kale if you can't get some tender kale....the balance of crunchy apple and bacon brittle gives it a nice " tooth "...I lucked out earlier and found some yummy, tender kale that I shredded to ribbons and used that.
March 29, 2012
Wonderful. I agree with AJ you can smell the bacon. How are you preparing the kale, raw or blanced?
March 29, 2012
Thanks AJ! I hope you enjoy it! The pic of the kale just wasn't as "pretty" as the older pic of the bacon..so I reused it! Maybe the Easter Bunny will leave a better camera in my basket!
March 29, 2012
That photo is killing me. I can practically smell the bacon, and hear the crackling sound as I bite down on it. ;o)
March 29, 2012
Oh my goodness . . . I want some of this right now! I have a nice bunch of kale in the fridge and my keys are now in my hand, as I stop everything else that I'm doing, to go out and get some bacon. I have some tart French feta that will be perfect with this. What a great salad. ;o)
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