Winter Greens Gremolata and Pesto
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12 Reviews
December 11, 2012
Ummm, I want this now! But, as 'bunch' is not a very informative or uniform unit, can you give us a little hint at what the ratio of the greens to the other ingredients was.
Phyllis G.
December 11, 2012
true. bunch is a little confusing. i meant a bunch as in how it's sold in the market as a bunch tied together. so i would say the following amounts (big stems removed, before wilting): 10-12 leaves dinosaur kale, 2 cups arugula, and 2 cups parsley. and the astonishing thing is that it will transform into a baseball-sized ball of greens once wilted and the water is squeezed out. and if you can cram in even more greens, go for it! it's a very forgiving recipe. just taste a lot a the end to make sure it's balanced. hope that helps!
December 11, 2012
Thanks! That helps a lot! I get all my veggies from my CSA and it doesn't come in bunches; I take what I need. Also, the bunches that come in stores are all different sizes depending on where you shop. This looks delish – especially with the Brussels Sprouts. I'll be making them this weekend.
December 10, 2012
Sounds divine.. Can I knock off the anchovies without compromising too much on the flavor to get a vegetarian version?
December 10, 2012
I'm just curious...why blanch at all?
Phyllis G.
December 10, 2012
it softens the kale and makes it more manageable (easier to shove into the food processor). and blanching in salt water pops and maintains the green color.
December 9, 2012
Do you have to pull the kale out of the pot? Is there a reason not to simply thrown the parsley and arugula into the pot for the last minute of the kale's cooking?
Phyllis G.
December 9, 2012
go for it! for me it was just a matter of space. the kale took up all the room. just make sure to use a really big pot.
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