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Cascioni Romganoli
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22 Reviews
July 8, 2013
I'm going to try these tonight. I'm swimming in greens from my CSA share. About how large are the circles when they are rolled out? Thanks!
July 8, 2013
If I cut the dough into 12 pieces, they roll out to about 12" rounds. But it's more important to go by thinness, getting them as thin as 1/8" if possible. Of course, if you want smaller cascioni, you can always cut the dough into more pieces.
June 24, 2013
step 9 says to put chard into dough then fold dough over & seal. step 10 says to fill with tomato & cheese. i'm assuming all the piadine should be filled with chard+tomato+cheese... :-?
June 24, 2013
nope. I'm pretty sure Lisina means half of the rounds should be stuffed with chard and half should be stuffed with tomato/cheese.
June 24, 2013
mrs. larkin is right. i like to do half chard and half tomato/mozz and that is what i intended in this recipe. however, i really like to experiment with fillings, so feel free to get creative!
June 15, 2013
Love this! Perfectly portable.
June 24, 2013
me too, and they are! especially when they're cold or room temp. when they're hot the cheese is definitely a little oozy, but they're super-yum.
June 13, 2013
Love it!! Perfect snack food. We roll our dough with a pasta machine to get it super thin.
June 15, 2013
Sounds wonderful! My only suggestion would be to add some lard to the dough. That would be typical of the piadina in Romagna. Leaf lard being best as manteca has too much of a porky aroma. Anyway, sounds delicious.
June 16, 2013
thanks pierino! and you're 100% right about the lard (very traditional, plus it makes the piadina SO flaky and flavorful). for cascioni specifically, i like to use olive oil, because the dough is a bit more sturdy and forgiving when you stuff it--plus i always have it on hand. but, subbing in some lard really takes it to another level. no arguments here!
June 16, 2013
When I don't have leaf lard, I use Crisco. I'll have to try olive oil next time. My sister uses coconut oil. They come out terrific.
October 23, 2013
mrs. larkin, do the coconut oil piadine taste coconutty? i'm thinking of trying that this weekend.
October 23, 2013
very very faintly, yes. Unless you use refined coconut oil - no taste/aroma in that kind.
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