Roasted broccoli with lemon and parmesan
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6 Reviews
November 26, 2013
I made this for dinner last night. It was superb, and it far out-performed the main dish!!
November 15, 2010
Yum! I will be making this at Thanksgiving since my five year old daughter is boycotting green beans, any dish with corn, sweet potatoes and yams (thankfully, she requested broccoli, tomatoes, and lima beans).
January 15, 2010
I love broccoli cooked this way - I usually do a mix of broccoli and cauliflower - yours is much "fancier" than my version - I just toss the veg. with olive oil, kosher salt and freshly ground pepper and roast it for 15 minutes - then we devour it!
January 11, 2010
Yum, yum, yum. So simple, so beautiful. I'm making this tomorrow night -- to serve with Merrill's meatloaf! Honestly, if this site keeps going at the rate it's been, I'll never need another cookbook again!
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