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Hot-Honey Butternut Squash Soup
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12 Reviews
May 3, 2020
Hi all! Love the recipe! Love the comments too! Cooking is like catching a ball and running with it! I omitted the cream and used honey with piment d'Espelette. The addition of a hot honey mixture is a great idea, as is the additional half hour slow cooking. Results are mellow with a little heat. I will make this soup again and again... and probably tweak it a bit every time but then, that's what cooking is all about.
Ernest C.
January 20, 2019
I’m all in! I tried this recipe for two reasons: 1) I’ve had butternut squash soup at restaurants and was satisfied but unimpressed, and 2) I just bought some Mike’s Hot Honey and was searching for different ways to use it. So I thought I can make a better soup. I thought I’d make it vegan-ish (Ok, I used butter to sauté the onions!). I opted coconut cream for dairy cream. Once I got the seasoning right, this soup hits the spot on a cold winter’s night. My new seasonal favorite!
Ernest C.
January 20, 2019
P.S. I also used some already roasted sweet potato instead of the Idaho. It added a mildly smoky sweetness.
February 17, 2017
Tried this soup recipe tonight substituting a diced apple, added with the potato, and paprika for the hot honey, and olive oil and veggie broth. Roasted the squash earlier in the day with an oven full of other things, mashed it and added at step 2. Stirred in a splash of buttermilk, instead of the cream, to each bowl just before serving. It was a hit!
January 12, 2017
Not a fan. Felt overseasoned. Had to add a lot of cream and honey to mellow it out. More of a cumin issue than the pepper flakes.
Jill S.
January 9, 2017
Just made this using sour cream instead of the heavy cream so I didn't have to run to the market in the rain. Was incredible!
Jane W.
October 16, 2016
just made a little batch with leftover kabocha and the dregs of some homemade chicken stock. 10/10 would make again, so good!
March 23, 2016
No hot honey here in Germany so I subed honey and grated chili flakes to taste, also greek yogurt for the cream. Success, even with the kids.
November 1, 2015
Just made this soup tonight — so good! I didn't have hot honey, so used honey and ghost pepper salt I had on hand. Delicious! Thanks, Corinne!
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