Preserved Lemon and Thyme x 2 Grilled Steak
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4 Reviews
September 30, 2011
Melissav, this was absolutely divine. I will make this again and again. It was also great with grilled potatoes. WOW!
June 12, 2010
Wow, this is brilliant. Perfectly brilliant!! Was hoping to see more preserved lemon in the contest recipes this week. I have about four quarts of them from a very pleasant evening's work during the dead of winter, when I had about 100 Meyer lemons on hand. (Most were rather small, and I didn't use all of them, for those of you out there doing the math . . . . . ) ;o)
June 12, 2010
Thanks, AJ. I used some of the leftover butter last night to pan sear a piece of salmon and it was great. 100 meyer lemons, wow! I'd like to have that problem. I made this recipe using my first jar of home preserved lemons. It was very exciting.
June 12, 2010
I was just thinking today at lunch (eating leftover salmon spritzed with lemon) about how good that compound butter would be with salmon. Our lemon season is just about over, so I'll soon have no excuse not to venture forth, experimenting with the preserved ones. (I'd never made them before last January. It's a great way to spend a cold, rainy winter evening, and actually didn't take that long to put up the four quarts +.) ;o)
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